How Automation Can Do The Heavy Lifting For Your Marketing

Marketing your business in 2019 can be a tricky game. From lesser budgets to bigger demands, it’s hard to make everything work with fewer resources and an almost unlimited global scope to aim out. How to reconcile the opportunity with the realistic aims that your business needs to have? Marketing automation may be able to answer some of your woes and improve your business. It has the power to multiply the number of incoming leads, increase your conversion rate and impact your bottom line. What is marketing automation? How can it be implemented?

The Value Of Technology

In an era of big data, some big decisions need to be made. That can be difficult when marketing work runs the gamut from everyday tasks like posting on social media channels to developing overarching strategy. With some tasks automated, marketing professionals have more time in their day to put towards more critical tasks. They can become more strategic and creative, which impacts on the quality of the marketing messages and content – and that in itself has the power to boost business.

Establish A Welcome Programme

A welcome programme can be a very important initial step in establishing a great customer relationship. Setting up a good CRM system will allow you to automate greetings and recommendations after the first customer touchpoint. You can then set and manage expectations, introduce your service, share additional things that you do or more of your brand experience and offer incentives. You can also use these interactions to further your picture of the customer by collating more useful data. This itself can then be used to feed into a dynamic content funnel, serving up tailored recommendations that are likely to have an impact.

Keeping Customers On Board

We all know that it’s much more cost effective to keep existing customers and increase their average basket value sooner than attract new ones. And automation can really provide a welcome boost when it comes to keeping your business front of mind for returning customers. A study by Harvard Business School even found that upping your customer retention rate by just 5% can increase your overall profits by 95%. Use triggers such as an abandoned card, a time period of inactivity or similar markers to create a campaign of relevant messaging aimed at bringing the customer back on board. Recouping lost revenue can then add to profit margins while not taking up and of the marketing teams time – in fact, you could be winning back business while you sleep!

Giving The Personal Touch

Customers now expect personalised communications based on an individual purchasing history. By using automation to do the work of segmenting customers and building up a holistic picture of their needs, preferences and activity you can take this to the next level – providing not just the right message to the right person, but crucially, at the right time. Keeping profile information up to date them becomes one less thing to worry about. Anything to do with data should become effortless, enabling your business to provide flawless service without even thinking about it.

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