Where Could You Take Your Event Management Skills?

No, not everyone is in bed binge watching Netflix on the weekend; despite what the current trend suggests. Many people want ‘real’ fun and go to events that they can interact with and enjoy personally. Things like air shows, music concerts, magic shows, sporting events, hosting dinners, award ceremonies, festivals, markets, car shows and much more are always dragging in millions of people. So if you’re a professional event manager, where can you find a job that suits you best? It depends on what kinds of skills you have and the desires of your particular career path are. If you want to be part of the growth of a one person and develop their fan base into something huge, then the music industry is something to consider. On the other hand if you want to build up the image of a city through an athletic lense, then a sporting event if your thing. No matter where your ambitions lie, there is an industry where your event management skills could be put to use.

Summer music festivals

When the sun comes out it’s the time for music and dancing. That’s why major events like the Glastonbury Festival are always drawing millions of viewers around the world and tens of thousands in person. However there are many different artists that will be performing, many different kinds of people that will be attending and a plethora of advertisers and sponsors want a piece of the pie. If you are great at reading crowds, managing expectations of loyal supporters, great with social media communication and dealing with an artist one on one, then you could become a musical events manager. Your role will be broad because you’ll be managing everything from the property on which the concerts are held, to the logistics of transporting speakers, instruments and massive screens. 

Moving with the coach

Sports teams are always on the move. They have to be, because they are a business type that needs to perform in person in different locations every week. No two days are ever the same but that’s where the challenge lies. An events manager in this industry will try to give the fans and watchers at home a smooth and consistent experience they can be happy to pay for. Take a look at these Jobs in Football and see if you can find your perfect role. Small teams need event managers too as they will hold club days, weekend warm ups, trials, and weekday performances less often than the major teams. Hence why each time they do, they need the quality of the event to be high so their small fan base keeps coming back. Other responsibilities will include sorting the catering options for the fans as some might be vegetarian or allergic to certain foods. It’s a well-rounded role that is all about people management as well as logistics.

Event management is one of the most exciting roles in the world but it’s also one of the more complex. These different industries offer professionals the chance to try something new and sharpen their existing skills.

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