5 Reasons Why Blogging is Important for Search Engine Optimization

Search Engine Optimization, or SEO, is essential for modern businesses that operate online. It ensures that if someone searches for your company using a search engine, they can find it immediately. It also ranks your business at the top of these search engines, so those looking for services like yours are more likely to choose you over competitors.

Building up SEO for your company or website is quite a steep task, which is why most people hire a marketing agency like Atastic to do it for them. However, one often overlooked factor that makes getting ranked easier is blogging. Here’s five reasons why hosting a blog, or having external blog posts hosted elsewhere, can can greatly improve how your website ranks on search engines.

1) Blogs Can Hosts Hyperlinks That Legitimize Your Company

Blogs can provide a link that goes back to your company. When you post a blog on a relevant domain page, you can also include a URL hyperlink back to your site. This can provide a level of legitimacy to your company page, which will boost it up the ranks when it comes to SEO. Similarly, if you choose to host blog posts on your site, having blog posts that link to other pages can also make your page appear more legitimate and trustworthy, and this will advance even further in search engine rankings.

2) Hosting A Blog Can Keep Your Website Full Of Fresh Content

A crucial website feature that search engines look for when boosting results is fresh content. Most websites that don’t host a blog hardly have any new content come in and often don’t get updated in months. This can cause them to fall in SEO rankings. If you have a blog hosted on your site that posts content weekly, then your site is more likely to have its SEO ranking boosted due to having newer and more up to date content.

3) You Can Include Keywords In A Blog Hosted On Your Site

Keywords are essential for boosting your SEO rankings if you use them right. Hosting a blog on your site means that you can choose unique keywords that are related to your site in order to increase traffic. If you included unique keywords and phrases that people are likely to search for, they are more likely to find your site.

4) A Blog Can Also Host Images And Videos

Including images and videos in a blog hosted on your site gives search engines another way to find you. Not only will it heighten the quality of your blog, but it also gives you an opportunity to tag these media items with more keywords. Images and Videos often need alt text sub-headers that show readers who can’t see the media which item is being displayed. This is a great opportunity to use some more unique keywords that will cause your blog/site to appear in more searches.

5) You Can Connect Your Blog Posts To Your Social Media Outlets

Search engines often take into account social media outlets such as Twitter and Facebook, so if you link your blog posts to these accounts it gives the search engines one more thing to find. Just be sure to use search terms and keywords in the meta descriptions when posting to social media outlets, as this will help increase your site’s SEO ranking. Posting to social media also makes it easier to share your blog posts, meaning more traffic will come to your site. And the more popular your site is, the more likely it’ll be ranked higher in a search engine’s results list.

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