Exclusive FREE Preview of Guerrilla Marketing for Job Hunters 3.0

Hey folks I’ve just been given a link by my buddy David Perry, author of Guerrilla Marketing for Job Hunters 3.0. It’s a FREE preview of the book. Find out more right here.

David has kindly let me share this link with you! And guess what; I appear again in this latest edition as a guest writer.

Check out David’s video to learn more about this awesome book…

Here’s what David has to say about his latest edition:

Every year, 50-million jobs are filled in the United States — almost all without a job posting.  This is happening because today, employers are relying on a brand new digital suite of tools and tactics to find the handful of “most qualified” recruits that they want to interview.”

Because of this, we put a booster rocket on our earlier book, going beyond ‘where to look’, to include “how to be found”.  The secret to finding a suitable job today lies in mastering the digital search environment used by employers which includes, LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter and ZoomInfo – and we’ve simplified this for you.

And David is also throwing in a prize – a $1000 home study kit – for the lucky winner who registers for the preview and is picked out of the hat.

So go and download your FREE preview right now…

Ready to Pre-Order?

This book is an absolute must for savvy people looking for their perfect job. Pre-Order this book now by using this link!

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