Growing A Readership Online

If you are a writer and you are looking to improve the business side of things, then one of the main things you will always need to focus on is gaining more readers. This is actually likely to satisfy many aspects to being a writer, but certainly it is most useful for improving your writer’s business. Growing a readership is now easier than ever, and much of what you need to do to get there can be done online easily enough. In this article, we are going to take a look at what to consider in order to ensure that you grow your readership in no time.

Promote Your Brand

It is important to think of yourself as a standalone brand of sorts, and to work hard to promote that brand through all of the usual channels. The first step here is working out how you think you can put yourself across in the marketplace, and what you think people make of you as an individual. It’s important to consider the tone that you tend to write with as well, your voice, as that is the most important part of the branding for a writer. Then it’s about putting that brand out there on social media, on your website, and wherever else you can, in order to gain a foothold in the marketplace as a known writer.

Employ Sales Techniques

It is helpful too if you think about selling your books from a strictly sales point of view from time to time. Even if you are an artist first and foremost, it is helpful to think about who is likely to buy your book and how you are going to sell it as easily as possible. This comes down to being aware of some of the basic sales techniques that writers can use. One of them which you might want to think about is the Tripwire Funnel. This is where you offer something to the customer cheap, in the hope of drawing them in to more and more later on. In terms of being an author, that would mean offering the first chapter of your book for free, or very cheap, and then drawing them in to buy the whole thing. A lot of writers do this, and it proves to be very successful – while being a fair way for your readers to see whether they want to read on.

Launching A Book

When you actually launch a book, whether it is published in the traditional channels or self-published, you are going to want to make sure that you launch it right. That means building up to it by focusing on a drip campaign beforehand and then following it up with a burst campaign right before the launch, so that you get people excited in time for it. Then you should make sure that you have a launch event of some kind, even if it’s just an online sale or something. The more of a deal you make of it, the more visible it will be to others.

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