How To Reward Your Staff In Uncertain Times

If your staff don’t feel rewarded, they are much less likely to stick around for a long time and perform to their full potential. They need to feel appreciated for the role that they have to play in the business and it is your job as the business owner to ensure this. Over the past 6 months, people around the world have had to deal with unprecedented circumstances. Now, more than ever you need to make sure your staff feel rewarded. Find out some of our tips for achieving this below.

Consider Your Benefits Scheme

When was the last time that you took a close look at your employee benefits scheme? Many employers don’t ever consider this part of their business until they have to for one reason or another. This scheme or package is what attracts employees to the team and what makes them stay in the long run. So, if you want to reward your staff in uncertain times, you should consider upgrading your current package. For example, the flexible employee benefits from Zest can be a welcome change.

Upgrade Their Equipment

If your team are working from home, you should really consider the equipment that they are using every single day. Sure, you have responsibilities that require your staff to have what they need to work comfortably but you can go one step further. Why not replace your team’s home equipment or ship out some new chairs? You could send some pens, paper and other items that could brighten up their day and reward them for their hard work.

Recognise Achievements

During uncertain times like we have seen in 2020, it can be easy to get caught up in your own life and the events happening around you. Over this period, many staff members have felt isolated and not appreciated for the work that they have been doing. For this reason, you should consider recognising any achievements that your team have made and drawing attention to it. For example, you might offer a promotion or celebrate the achievement by announcing it on your social media channels. Small things like this can often go a long way.

Virtual Office Parties

For many business owners and leaders, the best way to reward staff is through team days out and office parties. However, these kinds of things aren’t very easy to plan right now and it is unlikely that any Christmas parties will be happening this year. For this reason, we suggest that you try to reward your staff with some virtual office parties. Perhaps you can create a theme, send out some hampers to your team or book a host for the night. The more exciting the party, the more your team will appreciate it.


Finally, if you want to reward your staff during these uncertain times, you should consider purchasing some vouchers for them to use in the future. You might have cancelled a few office parties and events over the past year but if you don’t replace these with something else, staff might feel as though they are not being rewarded for their hard work. Vouchers can be a great placeholder for rewards and can be used when your team is able to.

Use These Tips

If you are hoping to reward your staff but aren’t sure how to best go about this, make sure to take on board all of the tips that we have given you in this article. Hopefully, they will appreciate the thought you have put into this.

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