Is Your Business Website Too Bare?

Not giving visitors enough information on your website could be preventing them from buying into your product or service. A lack of content could also negatively impact your SEO, leading to lower rankings. Below are just some of the different types of content that you can add to your website if you think it might be too bare.

Provide thorough product information

Make sure that every product or service you sell is thoroughly described on your website. Focus on the benefits of your product while offering facts and figures to back up your claims. While the information should be thorough, you want it to be easy to scan – avoid large walls of text and consider using bullet points, subheadings and infographics to break up information and make it more aesthetically pleasing. It’s worth thinking hard about the types of keywords you use, but avoid stuffing your text with keywords as it might affect readability. 

Create a testimonials/case studies page

A testimonials page could be used for showing off all the positive things your customers have said about you. You may be able to directly feature reviews from Google or Trip Advisor, or you could allow customers to submit their own testimonials here (make sure you’re able to moderate them before they’re published). Another option could be a case studies page that delves into individual projects you’ve completed, helping to tell customers the story of what you’ve achieved. Both testimonials and case studies will help you to build the trust of customers by showing the extent of your experience. 

Add a FAQs page

An FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) page can be a great chance to answer some of the questions you regularly get from customers. This could reduce the amount of general enquiries you get over the phone (if you’re constantly having to answer phone calls, this could allow you to be more productive). At the same time, this page could help you to generate leads by giving you customers all the extra information that you may not want to advertise on your homepage. 

Start a blog containing useful advice

Many business websites now have a blog section. Blog posts are typically used to give customers useful informational advice on related industry topics rather than promotional content. Blog posts can be a way of showing off your expertise and building new doors to your site. With a good content marketing strategy, you can help convert your blog’s readers into leads (follow this checklist to learn how to do this). On top of this, regularly posting blog content can also be great for boosting your search engine rankings.

Introduce your team

You could also dedicate a page to introducing the individual members of your team. Such pages can be a great way of making your website more personable, while also showing your team the pride that you have for them. Make sure that any information posted about your employees is done with their consent first.

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