A Guide to Using Budget Web & Mobile Marketing Ideas To Compete Against Your Bigger Rivals

Few would question the tremendous benefits the web, computers and tech have brought to the world of marketing and advertising. Where once-prospective advertisers were largely limited to projecting their message via traditional media such as TV, radio, print and billboards, today there is an almost limitless number of ways for firms to get creative and position themselves front and centre in the minds of consumers. 

The importance of return on investment

When devising any marketing campaign, one of the key considerations is to achieve the highest possible return on investment (ROI), while tempering cost with overall effect. When you look at your larger rivals with deeper pockets, oftentimes it can seem quite a daunting prospect trying to envisage ways you could compete to win clients without breaking the bank. 

Budget marketing ideas that have a big impact

However, in our highly connected world, it’s now easier than ever for firms to reach out directly to their customers (both potential and existing), with cost-effective campaigns that are often more successful and more personal than the big-budget tactics frequently employed by bigger companies. With just a little forward planning and inventiveness, you could trounce your rivals and make a real connection with your customers. Read on for some tried and tested ideas that could bring maximum with minimal investment. 

The importance of search engine optimization (SEO) 

Recent figures suggest a little over 70% of all consumer journeys these days start with an online search – typically on Google, which accounts for around 92% of all search engine-generated traffic. This means that, if your site isn’t currently being found under the keywords and phrases typically used by customers looking for your goods and services, you’ll be missing out on a considerable source of new business. 

In truth, you could have the greatest, all-singing, all-dancing site – but if you’re not featuring in Google searches, you run the risk of floundering in online obscurity. Search engine optimization (SEO) is the highly detailed, involved and skilled process used by online marketing campaigns to propel sites higher up the search engine results pages (SERPs) in order to foster and build new traffic. 

Embrace mobile marketing

In recent years, the web has gone increasingly mobile and, depending on which statistic you happen to believe, current research suggests that anywhere between 50% and 70% of all internet traffic is now made on devices. In line with the suggestion above about SEO, you should ensure your site is optimized for use on all devices, regardless of screen size – plus it is also tagged so it features in location-specific searches on Google. Also, the ubiquity of mobile gadgets can bring other additional marketing opportunities – such as geo targeted text messaging, which allows you to contact clients directly as they near your premises (note, users need to grant these permissions in advance).

Remember the power of social marketing

Also, don’t forget about the tremendous benefits social media platforms can bring as a way to reach out to and connect directly with your target market. It’s estimated the average Facebook user has around 338 friends – meaning that if just one of your followers likes or shares ymy post, you could gain exposure to those 338 contacts. When used correctly, social marketing can be one of your greatest and most budget-conscious means of promotion.

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