Should you put professional membership on a resume?

When writing a resume, it is important to consider the value of including professional memberships. Professional memberships can demonstrate your commitment to an industry, as well as provide access to valuable resources and networking opportunities. While in some cases it may be beneficial to add professional memberships on your resume, there are certain types of memberships which you should avoid including.

Research has found that professional membership can have a positive impact on career development and advancement. In a 2016 study published in the International Journal of Technological Studies, researchers found that those with professional membership were more likely to receive higher wages than those without it. Membership also enabled them to gain access to resources such as training programmes, conferences and career advice which helped them progress faster in their field. As a result, having professional membership on your resume can be beneficial when looking for new job opportunities or trying to move up the career ladder.

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However, not all types of professional membership are worth including on your resume. There are certain types of membership which may not be recognised by employers or may not demonstrate any real commitment or expertise in an area; these should generally be avoided when deciding whether or not to add memberships onto your resume. For example, many organisations offer free ‘membership’ simply for signing up for their mailing list; while this could still provide access to resources and updates from the organisation, it does not necessarily demonstrate any level of expertise or experience in the field and therefore should generally not be included on a resume unless specifically requested by an employer.

Similarly, if you hold multiple memberships across different organisations then you should think carefully about which ones are worth including on your resume; too many irrelevant memberships may create clutter and confusion for potential employers rather than demonstrating any clear commitment or expertise in a specific field. You should also avoid adding any form of ‘associate’ member status; while this might suggest that you have some level of involvement with the organisation or industry sector listed on your resumeesume, ultimately it can make it appear as though you lack more substantial experience within that particular sector when compared with someone who holds full-fledged membership status instead.

In summary then, while there are certain advantages associated with adding relevant professional memberships onto your resume (such as increased wages and access to resources), there are also certain types of membership which should generally be avoided (such as free sign-up lists or associate member statuses). Ultimately though each case will depend upon individual circumstances; if you feel like there is real value associated with adding specific organisations onto your resume then go ahead but ensure that they demonstrate genuine commitment and expertise within their respective fields before doing so!

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