How a Positive Physical Working Space Affects Brand Perception

It’s natural to think of different areas of your business as being entirely distinct, but there’s often much more overlap than you think. The physical working space of your business—where you and your employees operate—is particularly relevant here due to how it can impact several other areas. In particular, you might be interested in how it relates to brand perception and what you can do to bolster both at the same time. 

Office Environment

Creating a space where you and your employees can be as happy and productive as possible might be a strong incentive alone, but it always helps to know what other benefits this can have.

As an Employment Destination

Perhaps you want prospective employees to see your business as something of a destination—a goal that they’re working toward. It might take some time to build up your reputation and place within the industry to get to the point where you’re seen as the best of the best, but it’s hardly a singular position, and having a positive reputation in general might help to bolster this image. 

Part of what you can do is understand your industry and understand what might make people want to work with you more. For example, having an understanding of APIs on offer with Kong or other similar professionals can help draw software developers to your business who can make the best use of what you have available, and allow them to exercise the full wealth of their skillset.

Attitudes Toward Well-being

Understanding the link between your workspace and the opinions of those who might never even step foot inside it is important. Your business’s attitude toward mental health and the well-being of your staff are particularly relevant here as this is something that’s likely to spread if it’s not up to a certain standard. 

Office Environment

For example, if you find that staff members leave regularly due to a lack of support in this regard or a lack of consideration from your brand toward maintaining a healthy work/life balance, this could become start to become apparent through reviews on platforms like Glassdoor, and it could make it more difficult to hire employees in the future.

Being proud of your ability to make this a priority, though, might work as something of a benefit for those who are curious about applying for a role with you and could help you to market yourself to those who are looking to only support certain brands whose ethics align with their own.


What about the physical space itself? While this might be a space that’s only accessible to staff, it can make both an internal and external impression. Internally, those who work there might find that an aesthetically pleasing and practical workspace can make them feel more positive about their work, as well as more mentally healthy when it comes to effective use of natural light and color. In terms of how this influences external perceptions, those who visit this space for interviews or one-off appointments will automatically draw conclusions about the company based on what they see and how they feel in the environment.

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