When is the Best Time For an AC tune-up?

The best time for an AC tune-up is during spring. After the long winter months, it needs a few checkups to prepare for summer cooling. Generally, your AC needs tune-ups twice yearly, right before summer and late fall.

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But why is spring the best time for an AC tune-up? Keep reading to find out.

To Give Your AC System a Jumpstart

Your AC has been off during the long winter season and needs inspections. As you switch off your heater during this transitional period, you want to have a reliable cooling system. The AC could have a pest invasion or accumulated dust and debris that you should remove. It could also have worn-out parts that need repairs or replacement. 

All these possibilities could hinder efficiency and increase the chances of a breakdown. Timely AC tune-up services allow a technician to correct possible issues that would lead to problems before you start using it. It is also the best time to test every component and jumpstart the system after a period of dormancy.

To Increase Its Efficiency

Your AC has experienced a lot since you last used it. For instance, rodents could have chewed the electrical wires, especially in the attic or near the outdoor unit. It could also have clogged air filters or condensate drain lines, rendering it less efficient. 

Dust and debris in the filters reduce air circulation into the AC, forcing it to use more energy. An AC is among the top home appliances that use a lot of energy and even more when it’s not working optimally. According to the Department of Energy, collectively, ACs use about 6% of all the electricity produced in the US. A spring AC tune-up is necessary to prevent expensive monthly bills. 

To Reduce the Likelihood of a Breakdown

Spring is the best time for AC tune-ups to reduce the chances of breakdown when you need it most. It’s common for HVAC technicians to receive emergency calls when an AC breaks down in the middle of a hot afternoon. Such situations tend to be expensive.

You can avoid all those troubles by scheduling regular maintenance. Technicians can notice and repair potential issues that would otherwise arise when temperatures become extreme. The decreased likelihood of problems saves you time, money, and stress

To Reduce Humidity and Provide Better Air Quality

Worm weather comes with high humidity levels, making indoor air feel muggy. High moisture content in your living space can cause various health problems, such as coughing and wheezing. It also encourages the growth of microbes, which, when inhaled, cause respiratory issues such as asthma and allergies. They may also cause itchy eyes and other problems.

The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recommends that indoor humidity levels be between 30-50%. An AC in optimal performance can help you maintain these moisture levels and provide quality indoor air. However, it needs a tune-up to ensure it’s at its best before you use it.

To Extend The AC Lifespan

Depending on your AC system type, it can serve you for 5–25 years. However, it must always be in optimal conditions to ensure it lasts and surpasses this expected lifespan. A frequent problematic AC will not even last close to this; you will be forced to replace it prematurely.

Spring tune-up services can help you avoid issues that reduce the lifespan of your AC system. This inspection and possible repairs ensure you catch potential problems before they happen. 

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EPA Recommends It

Spring AC tune-ups are not just sales pitches made by HVAC service companies. They are, in fact, the recommended way to maintain your cooling system.

The EPA’s Energy Star program recommends that homeowners schedule regular maintenance to maintain quality indoor air and save energy. The checkups ensure your AC runs smoothly without using excessive energy and experiencing expensive repairs.


This spring is the best time to schedule an AC tune-up before the extreme heat starts. It can be tempting to ignore it since it was okay the last time you used it. But repairs and emergency calls would cost you more if it broke down during peak season. Are you wondering if it’s the right time to have your home AC checked by professionals? Let Gilmore Heating, Air, and Plumbing Home Service help you. Call us today, and we’ll be glad to help.

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