What to Do in a Hit-and-Run


Hit-and-runs are the worst form of accident anyone can experience. It increases your insurance rates and out-of-pocket costs and makes filing claims difficult.

Despite all these, hit-and-runs are a very common issue in the U.S., with nearly 4 million recorded by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration between 2015 and 2019.

According to this report by NHTSA, there were also over 10,000 fatalities. So, it’s very important to know the steps to take if you find yourself in this unfortunate situation—injured by a reckless hit-and-run driver.

Prioritize Your Safety

In as much as you’ll be tempted to go after the driver who hit you so you can get their details, it’s always better to prioritize your safety first.

Look for a good spot to park your vehicle and step out to inspect the degree of your injuries. If they’re severe, contact emergency services to come to your aid or ask a bystander to help you do so.

At this point, the best course of action is to sit or lie still until emergency services get to you. If you have a first aid box in your car, you can use that on the injury for the time being.

But if your injuries are not serious, you can proceed to the next step.

Call the Cops

In many states, like Florida, fleeing the place of an accident is classified as a criminal offense. So you don’t have to worry about handling the medical costs alone; the cops will investigate the issue and find the driver who hit you.

What is important is informing them as soon as the accident occurs. According to Brandon Stein of SteinLaw, a renowned Miami personal injury lawyer, you’ll have to provide the cops with some details, like:

  • Videos or pictures you took
  • Witness statements or videos
  • Time of the accident
  • A brief description of the car that hit you and its driver, etc.

With these, the cops can open an investigation and find the driver that injured you. If you don’t have everything, don’t panic; provide the ones you’re sure of, and at the same time, use this opportunity to take note of the details you should watch out for if you find yourself in such a situation.

Stein also recommends asking the cops for a copy of the police report or any information on how you can get it from them later. You’ll need it while filing a claim with your insurance company.

Get “Real” Medical Care

You might have sustained minor injuries, but don’t hesitate to visit your hospital for a scan. Internal injuries are very common in accidents; failing to detect them soon enough could cost you later.

So go to your doctor and explain what happened to you. Allow them to make the necessary inspections and follow their advice. If they recommend therapy, then get a therapist (they could also suggest to you).

Most people find an accident difficult to process, and you may not be different. So, take all the necessary medical and mental care you need, and ensure to document everything. These details will also help when filing a claim or taking legal action against the hit-and-run driver (when they are caught).

Inform your Insurer

Just as it’s crucial to inform the cops on time about the accident, do the same with your insurance company.

Call them as soon as you’re stable and tell them everything about the accident. Provide them with things they need to help process your claim, like the police report you requested earlier, photos, and any witness statements you may have gotten.

Depending on your coverage, your insurer should be able to cover the costs of fixing your car or covering your medical bills. For example, if your insurer is MedPay, then they will cover your medical bills.

Be careful while filing your claim. Make sure to add all the necessary evidence and consult a lawyer to help you with it if possible. 

Insurance companies are tough to deal with, so you must be able to prove that the hit-and-run driver caused your injuries and to do this, you will need all the evidence you can lay your hands on.

Hire a lawyer

You’ll need a lawyer to help you understand your rights, follow up on the investigation, and deal with insurance companies.

Most insurance companies are fond of delaying settlements or denying claims, but with an experienced personal injury lawyer by your side, they will have no choice but to acknowledge the evidence you’ve provided.

Plus, when the hit-and-run driver is found, your lawyer will be the one to assist in pursuing a claim against them. So, hire a lawyer you can get along with to guide and help you in all of these. This way, your odds of getting compensated are even higher.

Wrapping Up

Hit-and-runs don’t happen daily, and no one hopes it ever occurs. But if it does happen to you or anyone you know, these tips should help you handle the aftermath properly.

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