Why I Recommend ReviewSnap for Managing the Performance Review Process in Small Companies

ReviewSnap is a world-class online tool for managing employee performance and compensation. It is the best tool I have discovered that does this.

As a small organization, managing the Performance Review Process can be cumbersome and consume a lot of resources. Performing the Performance Review Process requires managers and appraisers to be trained in the process. Consistency and fairness are critical aspects of the Performance Review Process for it to work and produce the desired benefits to your organization.

However, consistency doesn’t mean that all employees should be asked the same questions, put through exactly the same process, and expect the same outcome. Everybody is different, after all.

Maintaining a repeatable, fair process whilst supporting all our employees unique needs is a bit like walking a tight-rope, right?

This is where ReviewSnap comes in, and its why I like it so much.

At the heart of ReviewSnap is automation, so that managers and HR departments don’t need to ensure all the appropriate paperwork is flowing around the organization. But also at the heart of ReviewSnap is customization and tailoring of the process for each individual. Managers can ensure that the goals and measurement aligns to each employees unique situation, and maintain control that the process happens.

ReviewSnap provides a simple, usable online platform so that both managers and employees can engage easily. Statistics dashboards give managers information at-a-glance as to the ‘health’ of their Performance Review Process. Employees can login to the platform, perform self-assessments, and track their goals. Managers can create journal entries, add notes and attachments and guide employees through the process.

360-degree Appraisals are taken care of by ReviewSnap – which manages the process of inviting appraisers to offer an assessment of employees, collect the feedback, and organize the results – allowing managers to focus on the data and their conclusions. Appraisers are automatically ‘chased ‘ by the ReviewSnap platform is a 360-degree appraisal goes past its due-date. Managers – no chasing required.

What about salary reviews and compensation? ReviewSnap gives you tools for managing this process too. HR or managers can set budgets, manage compensation distribution, and control approvals. It’s all in the platform.

Without a doubt, ReviewSnap is the best online tool I’ve experienced for Performance Management and subsequent Compensation Management. It takes much of the labor and overhead out of the Performance Management Process and allows managers to focus on the important activities.

I expect many organizations to reap great financial benefits too and the Return On Investment to be immediately obvious to CFOs and managers in your Finance Department. ReviewSnap offers a Free Trial – take it for a test-drive, risk free.

This is why I have chosen to promote ReviewSnap.

Check out ReviewSnap now to get your FREE TRIAL and view online demos

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