Business Card Information: 5 Tips on What to Put on Your Card

If you are designing a business card, there is certain business card information you should know. Click here to learn exactly what to put on a business card.

Your business card is your entire job condensed down into a single small piece of paper. That means you need to have enough business card information on it to get across who you are and what you do, but enough design to make a lasting impression on the people you are networking with. A bad business card can do much more harm than good.

Fortunately, the following guide will walk you through designing your own business card to make networking as easy as possible.

Your Name

The most important thing that you need to have on your business card is your name. While this may seem obvious, you need to make sure that it is placed prominently on the card and is a larger font than the rest of your information. You also want to make sure that your name is linked to your online presence: you want to make sure your work and LinkedIn come up when someone searches the name on your business card.

Your Position and Brand Logo

Right under your name should be your official job title, in full. You want to sound as impressive as possible – but remember, you want the information to match up with what’s available online, so don’t embellish!

You’ll want to also include a picture of your company’s logo. This branding is important because it associates your name with that company.

Phone Number and Email

You should always include your preferred phone number to be contacted at. While you can include your cell and business number, it usually looks cleaner to only have a single number listed. Besides, having several numbers on your card can confuse people as to which they should call.

In the same vein, make sure that your email address is listed (as well as a fax address, if you still use one).

Social Media Profiles

This is job-dependent, but if you work in tech, marketing, or other cutting-edge fields, it may be a good idea to have either your or your employers’ social media platforms on your card. This makes it easier for people to do research into who you are or what your company does. Of course, this may look tacky or be unnecessary depending on your field – lawyers likely won’t have their Twitter profiles on their cards, for example.

Blank Space

Though this may seem counterintuitive, arguably one of the most important things that you can include on your business card is blank space. The worst business cards are too busy with texts and graphics: it becomes hard to read. This is compounded if there are different font types and sizes, as well as aggressive use of color.

Simplistic cards are best, as they will give the most important information to the reader at a glance. Also, they tend to be simpler and less expensive to design and print!

Always Have Extras on Hand

You should always carry a few business cards in your wallet – you have no idea when you may meet someone that could prove to be a valuable connection! A well-designed business card can strengthen your first impression and help create opportunities for you.

For more business and networking tips, check out the “Professional” section of our website.

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