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Is Virtualization a Buyer’s Market? Why it is a Real Opportunity for IT

The last six weeks have been an interesting time in the world of virtualization. In late June Microsoft released their final version of Hyper-V, their new virtualization platform built into Windows Server 2008. Hyper-V has been widely anticipated, as Microsoft’s absence from the enterprise virtual market has left VMWare and some smaller players free to

Is Virtualization a Buyer’s Market? Why it is a Real Opportunity for IT Read More »

Why I Prefer to Work with Darkworkers than ‘Greyworkers’

Lightworkers and Darkworkers are rare(ish) people who are polarized around a deeply ingrained intent. Lightworkers live and breathe to service humankind, whilst Darkworkers live and breathe to serve only themselves. The remainder of people on this earth could be described as Greyworkers, who tend not to know who they serve.I’ve written about Lightworkers and Darkworkers

Why I Prefer to Work with Darkworkers than ‘Greyworkers’ Read More »

Freelancers Tend to Have Their Head In The Sand (and Nine Free Course places available!)

The majority of freelancers in IT have their head in the sand, as far as their personal performance goes.IT leaders from across several industries have commented to me that freelancers tend to move from appointments without seeking feedback on their performance. It’s estimated that over 60% of freelancers do not receive regular feedback on their

Freelancers Tend to Have Their Head In The Sand (and Nine Free Course places available!) Read More »