Home & Garden

Posts about home, garden and decor.

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Is It Time To Upgrade Your Home?

You can upgrade your home in many ways, to improve its functionality and practicality and allow you and your family to enjoy the benefits of such. However, modern technology can be slow to implement if you don’t have the correct systems already in place that will allow for them. Modern technology is fantastic, such as […]

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3 Important Considerations When Setting Up Your Home Office

More and more people are setting up offices at home. Whether that’s because you are in a flexible job that allows you to work from home for some days of the week, or you are a freelancer who works at your desk at home, or you have set up a business which you run from

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What To Do If You Get Locked Out Of Your Home

Although it may not happen often, getting locked out of your house is one of the most inconveient things you can do. Whether you forget your house keys or you lose them whilst you’re out, getting home and realising you can’t get back in is not ideal. Whilst it may seem like a lost cause

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How To Make the Most of Your Outdoor Office Space

Being outdoors is something that makes people feel calm and positive. Recent studies have found that employees that have constant access to outdoor areas, as part of their office space, are more productive and generally feel more peaceful, inspired and positive in their day to day working life. Therefore if you have any outdoor space

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A Productive Rant About Why You Should Build A Garden Office

Thanks to the growing gig economy, the need for home offices has increased dramatically. People need spaces in their homes where they can work in peace and quiet and concentrate on the job in hand.But all too often, though, home offices tend to be little more than cupboards with a computer in them. They’re not

A Productive Rant About Why You Should Build A Garden Office Read More »

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Getting On Board With Upcycling: An Awesome New Hobby To Try

There are so many fantastic benefits to ‘upcycling’ or turning an old piece of furniture into something new. It’s good for the environment seeing as less is going to landfill (and less demand to factories for new furniture) but you also get to create something unique. Plus it’s fun too, you can teach yourself new

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