Creating Positive Energy in Yourself (2)

This is my second installment on this subject as I get reminded of it constantly! Positive energy is such a…. positive thing! Its what urges us to succeed, we should absorb and create as much of it as we can.

This time I’m considering the personal aspects of this subject

1) Boredom can generate negative energy; avoid it.

Not being busy and bored can spark negative energy in oneself. I’ve often found that people who are feeling stuck or without motivation are underwhelmed by their job, or perhaps don’t have enough to do. Often this can be as a result of lack of proactivity on the individual’s part, and sometimes because of poor management or leadership. Either way, if it sets in it can be very destructive. So don’t let it. Whenever I’ve spotted the potential for boredom to creep in, I’ve proscribed myself a course of research. Investigating subjects that are not part of the day-to-day grind can open up new opportunities, or even prompt a re-examination of the way I’m conducting my job, such as the use of a different toolset. Creating and maintaining a list of research subjects, however various, is a good thing to do. And keeping them relevant to your job or your business is great – you won’t get into trouble for loafing! Perhaps one could look at how your business turns profit, and how your competitors do it? Perhaps one could investigate better methods for design or documentation of a solution? Maybe one could research into courses for your colleagues. Either way, make the subjects engaging and useful with a potential outcome for yourself and your organization. You could also make appointments to sit with colleagues from different functions or departments and see how they conduct their job.

2) Set yourself aggressive targets.

Although your employer or boss may set you objectives or targets that are challenging, why not set yourself higher targets rather than accept whats given to you? This will certainly create positive energy in you and create motivation to challenge the status quo. Acceptance to achievable targets (although important in business) can keep you well within an established rut, and you could simply be coasting. Many leadership books talk about a 10% stretch, i.e. give youself a challenge which is greater than the one you would normally accept. It works. I use this often and so do many successful people.

3) Set short terms goals.

Notwithstanding point 2, its much better to set yourself a series of smaller challenges than one huge one. By taking an incremental approach to your goals, you’ll reap the benefits of each milestone and gain confidence in your progress, further boosting your motivation. For example, you could set yourself the target of climbing Everest at 29,035 feet (8850 meters), or you could set yourself 2,904 sequential targets of climbing 10 feet! You might not be able to climb the summit of Everest, but you’re likely to be able to succeed in many of those targets. Use this thinking in an everday situations.

About The Author

2 thoughts on “Creating Positive Energy in Yourself (2)”

  1. I hate it when I have to work with negative people who moan, it drains the life out of me and I feel less energised!
    I tend to avoid them. Not always possible though!!

    BTW great Blog Commerce-Savvy!

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