Dig Yourself Out Of A Marketing Slump

Running a new business can be a huge challenge, and it is easy for you to feel as if you are getting nowhere within the first year or so of owning your company. Unfortunately, nothing in life comes without hard graft, and you need to be able to break yourself out of this professional slump. The same goes for your marketing strategy, maybe you’ve been doing the same thing for a while now and just don’t feel that you are getting anywhere, or maybe you are struggling with having the time to create your effective strategy. Whatever your issue, there are a few ways which you can dig yourself out of the hole and work your way back to being a marketing pro once more.

Schedule Your Blog and Social Posts

It can take up a huge chunk of your time to post things on social media and write your blog posts each week, and you may end up spending hours on this instead of being able to get on with your work. Luckily, there is a way that you can schedule all of your social content and take away the stress of remembering to share your content throughout the week. Buffer is a great example of a site which allows you to schedule posts for platforms such as Twitter. Facebook and Pinterest. If you can sit down once a month and spend an hour or two scheduling your blog posts and social content, it will free up your time to work on other things and ensure that you are always sharing consistently.

Be Social On Social Media

The clue is in the name, social media is about being social. It’s about sparking a conversation and sharing interactions with people all over the world. It allows you to communicate with all of you followers in a human way, not just professionally. To help you up your social media game- check trending hashtags every day and post about things which are going on in the world at that moment. It is this that will enable you to really gain that engagement with your audience.

Make A Plan Each Month (And Stick To It)

If you haven’t heard of a bullet journal before, this is the time to find out what it is. Being able to plan your month ahead of time with blog post ideas, social content and promotions will give you the control and security to go ahead with your month without running out of content. Writing blog posts ahead of time is also a great way to deal with this.

Outsource Your SEO Services

SEO can be a complicated and long-winded part of your marketing plan, and if you already have your own work to do as well as marketing- it might be worth outsourcing this to a Google search engine optimisation company. It will take the pressure off you and allow you to work productivity on your own projects while in the safe knowledge that your website is being handled.

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