Effective Ways to Reel In and Hook Customers To Your Website

You may have a website for your business, but that is only the beginning. Considering the hundreds of other companies similar to yours, each with their own website, you need to find ways to attract new customers and keep them coming back on a regular basis.

Here are some simple ways you can hook your customers in and stay one step ahead of your rivals.

Research your competitors

To survive in the business world, you should always make an effort to know what your rivals are up to. Visit their websites and consider everything they are doing. For example, what is their pricing structure? How are they marketing their products? What are they offering customers as an incentive to buy from them? Get as much information as you can and strive to be better.

Find customers

Customers aren’t going to stumble onto your website by accident, so you need to find them. There are numerous ways of doing this. For example, you should market your website on your social media channels, and attract your legion of followers to your website. You can also use SEO to improve your search engine ranking, giving your site the boost it needs to stay ahead of your rivals. You should also visit online forums and meet people who may have an interest in your product, and advertise your website to them.

First impressions

Once a customer enters your site, it should be an attractive and engaging place to be. Your rivals are only one click away, so you need to impress your visitors on arrival. Use bright, attractive colors. Ensure the fonts you use are easy to read. Post high-resolution photographs of your product to catch the eye of the consumer. As with any high street store, if your website looks good, your customer has a reason to stick around.

Customer service

You need to be easily accessible to your customers as they may have a question about a particular product, or may have feedback on something they have purchased. Head to this

bot store to find ways to integrate a chat service to your site, giving you the opportunity to talk to your customers in real time. You should also have a contact form option for out of hours communication.

You need to be polite and respectful to your customers if you want them to keep returning to you. Good word of mouth is good for your business, so you need to be mindful in how you respond to queries.


It’s great when somebody buys from you, but you want to keep their custom. Therefore, offer regular incentives such as special offers, discounts for regular customers and free shipping on your products. You want to keep your customers coming back, so while you don’t want to make a loss, pricing your product to undercut your rivals is a must.

You should also reel your customers back in if you feel they are slipping away from you. Regular emails and newsletters will remind them you still exist, and new offers will persuade them to return to you.

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