Ensuring That You Always Make Your Business Meetings On Time

As your business grows and expands, you are likely to have to book in more business meetings. While Skype and other programmes allow us to speak face-to-face with people across the world, sometimes meeting in person is necessary to communicate properly and make a lasting impression on potential clients or partners. Again, first impressions are important and long lasting, so if you do head to a business meeting, you need to ensure that you are on time and stick to the originally planned date wherever possible. Here are a few ways to ensure that you always make it to your business meetings in good time.


If you are heading overseas, you should make sure that you book flights that will allow you plenty of time to get to your meeting refreshed and ready. We would recommend that you travel the day before and spend the night in a hotel, so you can get a good night’s sleep, rise in the morning, prepare yourself and leave for your meeting place with plenty of time to spare. This means that if there are flight delays, you can rest safe in the knowledge that you should still make it to your destined city with hours to spare. If there are delays, remember that you can make a sas claim for delayed flight. You should also try to travel business class. This will cost more than economy, but you will be much more comfortable. You can read through your notes comfortably, keep hydrated with complimentary drinks and maybe even get a few hours’ kip in.


If your destination is within driving distance, you still have plenty of preparation to carry out. First, you need to ensure that your car is in good working condition and that oil and water levels are topped up. You want to avoid breaking down at all costs, as this could lead to lengthy delays which can throw your journey schedule off track. You could also invest in a Fuelbox, 20 litres of gas in a UN approved container that comes with a free pouring spout. This means you can top up your tank if you are running low and there is no petrol station in sight. Make sure that you have a route planned before you head out, and a physical map on hand in case tech devices fail, or you lose signal. This will help you to make your way around any road works or diversions in the most time effective way possible.


If your destination is a relatively long distance away, invest in a hotel room for the night before your meeting and the night of your meeting. This is an extremely beneficial expense. It means that you can rest safe and sound the night before your meeting, meaning that you won’t be stifling yawns throughout presentations or proposals. You will also be able to take less time getting from your local accommodation to your meeting place than you would do if undertaking the whole journey in the morning. You can also rest after your meeting to mull over its outcomes before heading home. So treat yourself! You deserve it after all of this time and effort.

Following these simple steps will increase your chances of success, as you will make your business meetings on time feeling energetic and clear of mind!

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