Essential tips for eLearning businesses to convert PPC (pay-per-click) into EPC (earn-per-click) efficiently

PPC is a useful addition for an eLearning business online.

You developed a perfect eLearning course with all the dedication and are using PPC to market it online. Clean.

Businesses even make an average of $2 in income for every $1 they spend on PPC. But does it always pay off that well? Well, there’s a difference between getting clicks and making sales.

In this article, we talk about how you can convert your clicks into sales. Because in the end, that’s what matters.

Tips to convert your eLearning course’s PPC campaign clicks into sales

1. Keep on with A/B Testing

While one single A/B test might seem like enough, turns out it isn’t really.

True that making some changes in the campaign might bump up the conversions, to get the best results out, you’d need to run several A/B tests.

Tweak the colors, try new images, play with the sign-up form and update content. For better results, you would also need to see how you target your campaign.

Targeting is one of the most essential aspects of a marketing campaign. It decides the audience for any ad-set or ad campaign.

The aim is to keep trying and noticing the changes which perform the best.

2. Tweak your landing pages

Your landing pages can work for or against you.

Wondering how?

Let us say your landing page has all the information about your eLearning course. Information that is required. And information that is not required. Just everything.

How useful would that be? Frankly speaking, it would turn off most of your visitors. Reason? Well, if the visitors on your website want to know about your eLearning course, being flooded with all this information would just leave them confused. Which won’t be great.

The main aim of a landing page is to focus a user’s attention to the offer. Giving them unnecessary information and other reasons to distract would simply defeat your LP’s purpose.

Rethinking your landing pages keeping this on mind will help you boost conversions.

3. Include special offers

Converting your clicks into sales isn’t the easiest of tasks.

While you’d have come up with a great idea for your PPC campaign design and started receiving clicks to your website, that is not enough.

Clicks cost you money and sales get you money. Meaning, if your campaign is not getting sales, you wouldn’t be making money but spending to gain clicks.

But is it possible? Well getting a lot of visitors to a landing page with an unappealing offer would just bring disappointment.

So, what you can do is game-up your offer. We’ve all seen companies doing that. They come up with some attractive offers and actually bump up their sales.

You can do the same. Make use of offer coupons. Let users avail some discounts. Or just offer some credit for their next purchase from your website. This will boost current sales and chances of users coming back as well.

4. Make use of niche-specific PPC platforms

Who doesn’t know about niche-specific PPC campaigns?

We all know it’s about targeting a campaign for the right audience. But how about a niche-specific PPC platform/network?

Well, there are a few of those. For example, eLearning Industry’s PPC network uses its LMS directory to deliver ads to potential LMS buyers.

Using a PPC network like that would be highly beneficial for your eLearning software.

To end it, here you saw some tips to convert your PPC to EPC (basically boosting conversions). We hope this was useful.

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