Fun Ways To Celebrate Halloween In the Office

A Guest Post by Robert Everett

When it comes to the celebration with colleagues, you need to be productive like never before. No matter in which part of preparations you participate, you should contribute to the common goal (which in this case is having fun celebrating Halloween at work). Your presence is not sufficient. There is either no way to play on your own in this team game. Well, this might help you to stand out from the crowd but will make an undesirable influence on your relations with co-workers.

Halloween office parties serve a team building activity. Take this fun seriously! Doing your best to help your colleagues have fun, you can make an important impact on your formal relations. This is a sure-fire way to become more productive and form a team of likeminded people. Take your chance!

Now that you know that you badly need to choose appropriate office Halloween ideas, you must concentrate on their choice on the net.

Step 1: Take precautions.

If you do not want this celebration to become your farewell party, you need to fit in. Before buying decorations and costumes you’ve chosen for yourself, ask your HR about the format of celebration. Some employers are all for Halloween fun from the morning till night; others will limit it to the Halloween lunch party where every co-worker is welcome with his own themed dish.

Step 2: Determine the values.

What is the main ingredient of any successful celebration? An atmosphere of holiday and overwhelming joy is something you need to adjust your plan to. If you are not indifferent to the outcome of your contribution to Halloween at work this year, put hart to your preparations. It is easier than you think! That does not mean paying a lump sum for extremely creepy decoration to help your team win the competition in your company. You may not have the needed sum of money to waste on the expensive details or may feel lack of time to look for the most frightful and rarest Halloween receipts for hours. Instead, think over your fair share of contribution. This can be a bag of candies to shed on your co-workers the never-ending sweetness or cheap but cute decoration like scary stickers on the walls and windows.

Step 3: Get ready with your office Halloween ideas

Talk to your administration and the co-workers to choose the best version of an office party. Most of us like the idea of celebration! To celebrate the holiday appropriately, divide the procedure into several parts: lunch, decoration, competitive part with a ceremony of awarding the winners.

  • Halloween repast. Most of employers accept the idea of having creepy lunch on Halloween. For those with little time for preparations, there are plenty of receipts on the Web like frozen banana ghosts or variety of some cupcakes and biscuits of bizarre form. If you do like cooking (I know there exist some people of this kind), you can spend time on the masterpiece like ‘spider’s web’ or ‘graveyard’ cakes. Or create some new dish to impress with your creativity. Anyway, saying that we’ve got used to some ideas of celebration, most of us mean ‘we still love them’. Traditional receipts from your childhood blow some nostalgia and the childish fun. If you still adore the classics ghost biscuits, share them with your colleagues during the Halloween lunch. Just bake them in advance (a day or two)!
  • Not all the chiefs will agree to a vampire theme reflected on the wall in his room but very few will reject any idea of decoration. If your head goes all the way with you as for Halloween office theme decoration, do not hesitate! Stick creepy silhouettes on the windows (people with the torn away heads, rats, bats, etc.) decorate the celling with spiders in the net, put the vampire themed portraits on the wall. Make cheerful ghost lanterns of the used milk-jugs. Draw two eyes and a smile on each of them – it is easy like one, two, three; put some white lights inside and – here it is! Several dozens of spooky faces fill in your office with a pleasant soft light. Egg carton boxes can serve marvellous bats for your vampire theme: cut some part of such box, paint it black, and draw eyes. It is simple and cheap, but you can make the process of preparation even more exciting doing it with your children, boyfriend at home, or with colleagues in the office.
  • Carving Jack competition. This can become a traditional annual Halloween contest for the most close-knit team. Just order the needed number of pumpkins and the set for carving tools to give every team member an opportunity for self-expression. The ways to carve the pumpkin are countless, and to approve the design of your lantern can be not so easy. Delegate responsibility and enjoy the performance! This activity can serve a relaxation and therapy to compensate for the busy week if you choose to practice in a live mode competition in your office. A homework version is offering less fun, but to jazz your life to the fullest this day you can turn off the light after the sunset. It is only once in a year that you can enjoy it! Halloween lanterns in action will create a special atmosphere your co-workers will be grateful for.
  • Halloween costumes for work. Having come to common ground as for this part of celebration with your administration, you can start looking for the appropriate costume. You can make a theme party having set some topic. ‘Disney villains’ or ‘Movie bastards’ provide with plenty of variations to choose from. Talking about the costume, we do mean obligatory additional details including make-up and attributes of your hero allowing to create the image. If you stuck with the choice of your Halloween costume for office, here is a source of ideas.

You can turn this part into a competition of individuals offering some number of nominations (‘Horror itself’, ‘Stylish horror’, ‘Realistic nightmare’, ‘Terrifying beauty’, ‘Face of horror’, etc.) with cute prizes for the best ones, or make it a command work. This is suitable for large companies where each department will represent its own idea. ‘Vampire dynasty’, ‘Adams family’, ‘Minions’, ‘Classic horror movie heroes’, ‘Zombies’ invasion” and so on – the list of possible team names is endless. Choose the managing staff and the voting method. Halloween office theme gives a great variety of options to choose from!

Also, don’t forget your Halloween-themed treats! Who doesn’t like Death by Chocolate Mousse?

Now that you’ve learned the script of easy preparation, come and discuss the options with your HR and colleagues. There is no time left for hesitation if you want to celebrate great Halloween working day! You are responsible for the Halloween party you’ll have this year!

About the author: Robert Everett is a blogger and a writer in addition to other duties at Keen on travelling and foreign languages, he gladly shares his knowledge with the wide public offering assistance to students in need of help.



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