Great Resumes Arrive With Even Greater Cover Letters

You’ve written a great resume. But what about the cover letter?

In my post 9 Highly Effective Habits of Great Technical Resume Writers I shared the approach of the best resume writers in order to create the most effective resume. I also tested automatic ‘resume builders’ to see if they can be used to create great resumes, and my conclusion was that they provide a solid base to work from. Once you’ve created your masterpiece, then it needs to be read by potential employers or recruitment agencies, or you have wasted all that creative energy!

So how should you approach writing a cover letter? Well I found this clip on YouTube which does an excellent job of showing you how:

What else can you do?

I think there are a few other tricks to employ to make sure your cover letter is read:

  1. Hand-write your envelope . The video suggests that you don’t hand-write the letter itself, and I think that’s wise. But hand-write your envelope . Research suggests that hand-written envelopes are typically opened first.
  2. Use a distinctive envelope . Use an envelope that is a bit unusual, e.g. made from colored paper. Don’t go overboard – fluorescent is a bit over the top.
  3. Use priority mail . Spending a bit more on the mail shows that you’re keen – don’t scrimp here!
  4. Include examples of past work . Add samples of your previous work if you can but keep it brief.
  5. Hand-deliver the envelope, if you can. Not only does this show great willing on your part, but it is an opportunity to see the environment of your potential employer. Make sure you write ‘Hand Delivered ‘ on the envelope too.

Still, you may want to put yourself in the top 1% of cover letters. Where the same jobs are now applied for by 1,000s of applicants you need every advantage. Sometimes, you just have to fill a vacancy you really want! If a job you’re going for isn’t worth losing, then I thoroughly recommend the eBook ‘Amazing Cover Letters ‘ by Jimmy P. Sweeney who has helped nearly 20,000 people in 25 countries to fulfill their dream and land their most desirable job. His eBook’s core value comes from demonstrating how you can build very high-impact covering letters that grab attention and stand out from the other 99% of applicants.

I’m not keen on the ‘animated head’ on his site (why a personal mugshot wouldn’t have been a better choice is beyond me!) but Jimmy’s product gives you the edge by knowing what buttons to press. For example, when I tested Amazing Cover Letters I noticed how I changed my writing style to spin the content of my resume into succinct points of interest in the cover letter, so I was effectively leveraging my resume in order to attract attention towards it. What I like about this product is that it tells you what to look for, how to leverage it, gives you the methods to write it and then how to bring it all together. And the whole thing is pretty much taken care of for you – perfect for busy people!

Like many of these kind of products, it comes with some neat bonuses. For example, there are letter templates for acceptance letters and thank you letters. You also get another great eBook which discusses interview techniques and how to perform at an interview, and is full of tips for the ‘big day’. You’ll also find a bonus eBook on salary negotiation techniques – a nice follow up lesson for when you are offered the job!

So Amazing Cover Letters gets the big thumbs up from me, and at only $39.95 I’m sure you will say the same. Just in case it doesn’t work for you then there is the 100% money-back guarantee so it’s a risk-free opportunity for you.

Don’t believe me still? Well the first 20 people who buy Amazing Cover Letters using this link will recieve a FREE Resume and Cover Letter personal review from me . The prize is a review of your resume and cover letter, and I will give you personal feedback on each, offering you my thoughts on where they work great or maybe not so great. All you need to do is:

  • Buy Amazing Cover Letters using the Link above
  • Forward your email receipt to the email address found on my About page
  • Wait for my response – I’ll confirm that you’re one of the 20 Lucky Prize Winners!

About The Author

8 thoughts on “Great Resumes Arrive With Even Greater Cover Letters”

  1. I bought this on your advice and it is wwll worth it. I am applying for a new role at work and I wanted something to giv me an edge. The templates make it easy. Can I send my cover letter to you to see what you think?

  2. @Mae. Of course you can send me your cover letter, and I’ll give you feedback on it as soon as I can. Good luck with it!

    This also counts for anyone else who buys this product – if you want to send me your cover letter for a look with a fresh pair of eyes, then send it right to me!

  3. The youtube clip was very usefull. You know how weird it is that having been a member of facebook I ,by default, ignore all youtube attachments, somehow i expected this one to be one of those ‘ridiculously lame’ ones , BUT found it actually very very GOOD.

    I’m on my way to check out Amazing Cover Letters.

    Once again, very usefull post Simon! Thanks

  4. @Simon – interesting product for the tough times we are now in.

    Jimmy’s sales letter mentions the templates helping people in more than 25 countries.
    Does it pass the “smell test” for use in the UK wrt grammar, spelling, vocabulary?

    One minor thing – he mentions a 56 days guarantee. It’s even better than that – ClickBank (how the payment processing is done) now offer a 60 day money back guarantee.

  5. Mark I bought Amazing Cover Letters and it passes the “smell test” as you say because I wrote the content, and I am from the UK! I don’t think it matters if you’re from the US or the UK. Liek all these things you have to check before sending out of course.

  6. Online Resume Center

    Love your post!! Finally someone got it right!!! Would you mind if I put a blogroll link back to your post? 🙂

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