Highest Paying Healthcare Jobs without Med School

The healthcare industry is extremely important in society, but it goes beyond being a doctor. A lot of jobs in healthcare go unnoticed and a lot of these are great options. Not everyone has the opportunity to go to med school and this should not defer someone from joining the industry. Before you start giving up on the healthcare industry, there are some jobs you can take on without a medical degree.

Completing a nursing capstone project proposal might be too much for many individuals and that is perfectly acceptable. Understanding what your options are is a great place to start. This is going to allow you to make an informed decision before diving straight into something you end up not enjoying. Besides the fact that med school is costly, it also takes a lot of time and dedication. If you are at a stage in your life where you just cannot make that investment, have a look at the following options.


This job is so important to the health industry even though it is considered fairly easy. If a pharmacist is not educated on what needs to be done, it can have devastating effects. This is why you would need to do some studying to become a pharmacist. Taking this into account, it won’t take up as much time as it would have if you went to med school. This is also a good paying option that many students don’t always think about pursuing.

Nurse Practitioner

Doctors go to school to help save the lives of others, but many times the nurses do the same. A nursing capstone might take a lot out of you, but it can result in a great career choice. Not only does the job pay well, you get to go home at night knowing that you helped your fellow human beings. It is a satisfying position if you care about the wellbeing of others. Many nurse practitioners will tell you that the job is not always glamorous, but you need to have a passion for what you are doing.

Physical Therapist

Working in rehabilitating people with injuries is a specialised skill and thus a satisfying job option. These injuries that people experience can be varied and does require some medical knowledge. Knowing the human body and what it can and cannot take is important. Your studies will include a lot of physical sessions in order to help your patients heal. This can include lots of exercises as well as the effective inclusion of machines designed for physical therapy. If you have a love for exercising or the human body, you might find this job fulfilling. It does help that the pay is good and you have the option of joining a company or branching out on your own.

Dental Hygienist

You simply have to register at a dental association and get your dental hygienist degree. This job is perfect for individuals who do not enjoy dealing with too many emergency situations. It usually is a relaxed environment that pays well. A lot of dental hygienists are doing well and become successful individuals. You just have to find a good dental practice after graduating. Luckily, the market is always ready for newly qualified dental hygienists which does give peace of mind.

Physician Assistant

Working closely with doctors is a choice a lot of individuals feel comfortable with. This is because you work under supervision, while having some freedom in the job. There are people who does not want the responsibility of diagnosing patients, but really want to be in the healthcare industry. A 3 year course can get you into this position, although it is not the easiest course out there. Anyone working with people’s lives require a substantial amount of training. When you register for your studies, you want to make sure you do proper research. Find a school that is accredited, in order to make sure you do not waste your time.

Occupational Therapist

Most like a physical therapist, an occupational therapists take it a step further. When an individual is struggling in a certain area of their lives, an occupational therapist comes to the rescue. These problems can range from physical to emotional. It’s like having a physical therapist combined with a psychologist. The task of an OC is huge and does require a lot of mental strength. Dealing with people who need help and sometimes not understanding what they need help with is challenging. This is why the studies you do in order to qualify is going to set you up for success. Just like a capstone project nursing occupational therapists have their fair share of work before being qualified.

Radiologic Technologist

A lot of the studies you will do in preparation for this position will be in the medical field. The courses are intense, but more manageable if you already have a busy schedule. You will need to start with an associate’s degree and the relevant courses before you can seek out job opportunities. Taking X-Rays is not the only job a radiologic technologist does. You will also be doing CT scans as well as MRI scans, which are pretty serious. A radiologist will be able to evaluate the scans so they will essentially need a medical degree. This is not the case for radiologic technologists and it becomes a good option to get into the healthcare field.

Surgical Technologist

If you have ever been for surgery, you usually see the surgeon walking in minutes before the operation. The equipment is set up and they are ready to start working. Surgical technologists help prepare theatres before a surgery as well as the patients. This is an important job because it includes serious operations most of the time. Even if you are not doing the actual surgery, the preparation can determine the outcome. There are training programs you can do in order to get hired for this position or a two year associate’s degree.


Do not let the lack of a medical degree stand in the way of you becoming successful in the healthcare industry. As long as you paid attention in science classes, you will have the basics for other career choices. There are so many options available to set up your future. Know what steps you need to take to make this happen and it will work. Speak to those who are already working in the industry to get some inside information. Also ask around about the remuneration before you commit to taking on the journey. Have a look at a few job advertisements to check out what is required in the field you want to join.

Antony Stevens works as a content manager. He also specializes on nursing capstone project proposal writing. Antony believes that his articles help people to gain confidence and motivation, to achieve their goals and be successful in whether it’s their activity or daily life. Antony’s life motto is “If you can dream it, you can do it”.

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