How Can I Help You Achieve Your Goals…? 5 Ideas

My goal is to people achieve greatness in their career and overcome challenges to get there.

So how can I help You?

Here are five ideas:

  1. Follow me and discover the power of my posts and shared content. You can follow me by subscribing to my newsletter, following me on Twitter, Like my Facebook page or join me on Pinterest.
  2. I will help you with a problem or challenge by answering a question in my forums. No matter how big or small you believe your problem to be, you can ask for help from myself and my readers. Of course, you can do this anonymously – you don’t need to register to ask a question. I have setup a ‘Problem Shared…‘ forum especially for this.
  3. Suggest a topic for a post. Is there a subject you have a specific interest in that you want my opinion on? Then suggest it to me and I will see what I can do! You can suggest anything, as long as it is broadly ‘on topic’. It could be about workplace challenges, job-hunting, personal performance, productivity and gadgets, or finance matters. To suggest a blog post, subscribe to my newsletter using the form on this page and you will receive an invite to suggest a post.
  4. Write a Guest Post. If your reach and profile are your challenge, then why not write a Guest Post for my blog and reach my 19k Twitter followers and 6000+ subscribers to my email newsletter? The more creative your idea, the better! You could write about how to boost our career prospects, perhaps about why an App is making you 50% more efficient in your job. Take a look at my Guest Bloggers page for more information.
  5. I will coach you, One-on-One. I have coached over 250 people to achieve career and personal success, and you could be my next protégé. I can coach you through a tough point in your life, or to achieve a specific goal. I’ve helped people Ace their Performance Review, or achieve a promotion. I’ve helped a number of people through their interview, from preparing for it right through to the follow-up. I can even ‘tune-up’ your resume to make it world-beating. Spaces are extremely limited, as it is One-on-One, which is why I ask you to make a investment in our time, backed up by a Guarantee.

About The Author

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