How to Ask your Boss for a Raise: A Step-by-Step Guide (with template)

The prospect of asking your boss for a raise can be both exciting and nerve-wracking. You may feel that you deserve a higher salary, but you might also worry about the potential repercussions of making such a request. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the most effective strategies for asking your boss for a raise. We will also provide a template that you can use to structure your request professionally and persuasively.

Here’s what I am going to cover in this post:

  1. Assess Your Situation
  2. Do Your Research
  3. Timing is Everything
  4. Prepare Your Case
  5. Practice Your Pitch
  6. The Meeting
  7. Follow Up
  8. Dealing with Rejection
  9. Template for Requesting a Raise

1. Assess Your Situation

Before asking for a raise, it is essential to consider whether or not it is appropriate to do so. Evaluate your current job performance and ask yourself the following questions:

  • Have you been with your company for a significant amount of time?
  • Have your job responsibilities increased since your last salary negotiation?
  • Are you consistently meeting or exceeding your performance goals?
  • Have you recently completed a major project or made a significant contribution to your team or organization?
  • Have your colleagues or peers received raises recently?

If you can answer “yes” to most of these questions, it may be a good time to consider asking for a raise.

2. Do Your Research

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Before you approach your boss, gather data on industry salary standards and market rates for your role. This information will help you understand where your current salary stands and provide a basis for your request. Use resources such as:

  • Online salary databases (e.g., Glassdoor, Payscale, or
  • Industry publications and surveys
  • Networking with professionals in your field

Once you have collected this information, determine a reasonable salary range for your role and experience level. Be prepared to discuss these figures during your meeting with your boss.

3. Timing is Everything

Choosing the right time to ask for a raise can significantly impact the outcome of your request. Consider the following factors when planning your approach:

  • Company performance: If your company is facing financial difficulties or has recently experienced layoffs, it may not be the best time to ask for a raise.
  • Performance review cycle: If possible, try to align your request with your company’s annual performance review process.
  • Personal achievements: Capitalize on recent accomplishments or recognition to strengthen your case.

4. Prepare Your Case

To justify your request for a raise, you will need to provide evidence of your value and contributions to the organization. Gather documentation to support your case, such as:

  • A list of your recent achievements, including project completions, performance metrics, and awards
  • Testimonials or praise from colleagues, clients, or supervisors
  • A comparison of your salary to industry standards

5. Practice Your Pitch

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Once you have compiled your research and supporting documentation, practice your pitch. Rehearse your request and the key points you want to make during your meeting. This will help you feel more confident and articulate when you speak with your boss.

6. The Meeting

Request a private meeting with your boss to discuss your salary. Be sure to communicate the purpose of the meeting in advance, so they are prepared for the conversation. During the meeting:

  • Be professional and respectful
  • Present your case concisely, focusing on your accomplishments and the value you bring to the company
  • Discuss the industry research and salary comparisons you have compiled
  • Be prepared to negotiate, but avoid ultimatums or aggressive tactics

7. Follow Up

After your meeting, send a follow-up email to your boss, thanking them for their time and summarizing the key points of your discussion. This will serve as a written record of your conversation and demonstrate your professionalism.

8. Dealing with Rejection

If your boss declines your request for a raise, try not to take it personally. Instead, ask for feedback on how you can improve your performance or what additional contributions you can make to warrant a raise in the future. Use this feedback to set goals and work towards demonstrating your value to the organization.

9. Template for Requesting a Raise

This is what you have been waiting for. Use this tried-and-tested template for requesting your raise. Make sure to do your preparation as described in point 4.

Subject: Request for Salary Review – [Your Name]

Dear [Boss’s Name],

I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to request a salary review based on my performance, contributions, and the current market value for my role. I have thoroughly enjoyed my time at [Company Name] and am grateful for the opportunities I have been given to grow both professionally and personally.

Over the past [length of time] with the company, I have taken on additional responsibilities and have consistently exceeded the performance goals set for my role. Some of my recent achievements include:

  • Achievement 1: [Provide a brief description of a significant accomplishment or project completion]
  • Achievement 2: [Highlight any performance metrics or goals you have surpassed]
  • Achievement 3: [Mention any awards, recognition, or praise you have received]

In preparation for this discussion, I have researched the current market value for my role and have found that the industry-standard salary range for someone with my experience and responsibilities is between [lowest amount] and [highest amount]. My current salary is [your current salary], which falls below this range.

Based on my performance, contributions, and the market research I have conducted, I would like to formally request a salary increase to [desired salary]. I believe this figure accurately reflects my value to the organization and is in line with industry standards.

I would be grateful for the opportunity to discuss my request in person. Please let me know when you might be available for a meeting. Thank you for considering my request, and I look forward to our conversation.


[Your Name]


Asking for a raise can be a daunting experience, but with the right preparation and approach, it is possible to navigate the process professionally and effectively. By assessing your situation, conducting thorough research, and carefully preparing your case, you will be well-positioned to make a persuasive argument for a salary increase. Remember to remain respectful and open to feedback throughout the process and be prepared to demonstrate your ongoing commitment to your organization’s success.

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