How to Get Free Traffic Through SEO

Ask any SEO company in Los Angeles, and they will tell you that you can easily start using search engine optimization (SEO) for free to get traffic to your website. Yes, you read that right: you can use SEO to get traffic to your website without spending a single cent.

SEO is simply the optimization of your web pages to increase the amount of traffic they get. To do this, you optimize them for certain keywords so that they have higher rankings on Google and other search engines for those keywords.  

But how can you possibly do all of this for free? Well, here are five things you can start doing now to get your traffic numbers shooting for the stratosphere. Note that they can all be done with the help of free SEO tools that can be found online.

Audit Your Website

This should be the very first step you take on the road to getting more traffic to your website. You want the website to be easy to navigate and relevant to your user and you can only determine this with SEO Audits. Otherwise, no amount of optimization elsewhere will save it. 

Start by testing all of the links on your website to make sure there aren’t any broken ones. Next, check all of the images to ensure they have alt text, and then check that your content is relevant to the keywords for which they are optimized. Finally, check that your website is secure so that your users feel safe while using it.

Optimize Your Website

Once you are sure that the basics of your website are doing well, the next step is to optimize your website, both for the human eye and the search engine crawlers that navigate it on a daily basis. 

The first thing to ensure is that your website is fast. Once you’re done with that, check the content. Is it relevant to the titles on the pages? Does it flow? Is it relevant and helpful to the user? Are the URLs relevant to the content? What about the meta titles and meta descriptions? All of these should be clean so that users don’t feel duped by irrelevant content when they come to your site. Finally, you should make sure that the layout of your site is well optimized. Users should be able to find what they need without having to click around too much. 

Evaluate the Performance of Your Website

How is your website performing? What’s your clickthrough rate? What is your bounce rate? How much organic traffic are you getting? Check to ensure that your website is performing up to standard and, if it’s not, try to figure out what might be causing the issue. For example, a high bounce rate might indicate that users are not satisfied with what they find when they visit a page. You might, therefore, need to make the information on that page more relevant to the user. 


If you want to be useful to your audience and expand your reach, then you need to blog extensively. Blogging helps you rank for keywords, but they also help the reader by providing them with relevant information that solves their problems. With consistent blogging titles churned out regularly, you will build a loyal audience that will soon turn into a loyal customer base.

Unique Business Content

To be able to include SEO on your website, you have to have content to build it into. So make sure that you look into your field thoroughly, whether it’s an architect or a hairdresser business, and how exactly you can help other people with your content. This can give you everything you need to build content with SEO that works for your business. seo for architects can point you in the right direction and he’ll you discover what is unique about your business and make sure you include that in your content.

Research Keywords

There are few things as valuable as a good keyword in the world of SEO. You, therefore, need to research them as much as you can and rank for all the right keywords in your niche. Know your target audience and map out all of the ways they could possibly find you, including the words and phrases for which they might search. 

Once you know these keywords, look into their competitiveness popularity and try to optimize for as many as possible, looking for the right balance between competition and popularity. With the right keywords, you can get high-quality traffic to your website easily.

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