How to Improve your Payment Service

There has been a huge increase recently in the way people can pay for things. The digital work is constantly upgrading itself, and any business that is serious about keeping up needs to look at the way it processes payments. You need to make the whole process as simple and easy as possible whilst ensuring the customer has the choice they are used to in the safe and secure environment they prefer. Your E-commerce system needs to be as diverse and integrated as it possibly can. To help you get thinking we have come up with a few ideas:

The Legal Side

There are a lot of laws around E-commerce, and it is best you stay updated on this as changes can occur, which could mean that you become liable if and when something occurs. If you ever find yourself at the rough end of a legal payment dispute, it may be an idea to use the service of an electronic payments litigation lawyer. Occasionally businesses can find themselves essentially blacklisted from taking payments, meaning no bank will touch them for being too high risk. To avoid this or reverse this decision, you need legal help. 


If you want to attract new customers as well as keep the old ones, you need to make the whole process of purchasing from you as simple as possible. For example, you should try and avoid your payment screen redirecting elsewhere, often this can put people off, and it sometimes means logging in again on a separate system. Additionally, many new customers are put off by needing got register to buy something. If you can offer a simple log-in as a guest option with a limited amount of fields to fill in, this will serve you well. People get very frustrated and will clock off if you require too much information from them. From your point of view, the sale should be the top priority, and putting people off needs to be something you desperately avoid doing. Consider the process from a customer experience point of view. Think streamlining, improving the functionality, payment options, and a simple process of signing on, aka, signing on as a guest with limited fields requiring filling out. 

Payment Options  

We are living in the digital age, and that means that there are more ways than ever to pay. No longer are we limited to cash and card. We have Paypay, cryptocurrency, e-wallets, bank transfers, etc. However, it may not be practical to have a mile-long list of payment options. What you need to do is conduct the right kind of customer research and discover the ways your target customer likes to pay. Customer research can be done in a variety of ways, such as conducting a poll on social media. The greater the variety of choices you offer for your target customer without being overbearing, the better you will fare in the long run.  


Nothing puts customers off like feeling as if the site is not safe and secure, and that their details are quite likely to get stolen. You need to offer as many reassurances as possible in this regard. Ensure that you have a payment gateway on your site. Software like this is already encrypted and goes some way to offering your customer that peace of mind they are after. It may also be prudent to have an SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) certificate clearly displayed on your website, as this is another layer of encryption offering secure connections. There are many other forms of security you can offer, and it may be worth your while doing a lot of investigation to discover the best ways you can protect your customer and yourself. After all, if something does go wrong, your business is on the line.  


It is very important that you ensure that your checkout and payment screen are all in line with your branding design. This gives a level of security that your customer has not been redirected somewhere else and that provides a level of trust in your service. Branding is essential for your business, and the last place you want this to come up wanting is on the payments screen. Some people are naturally skeptical about purchasing online, there is a wide range of horror stories, and no one wants their money to be stolen. So it is in your best interests to make things as straightforward and seamless as possible. This may require some work, but get it right, and you will be laughing.

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