How to Market Yourself Online as a Freelancer

Marketing your freelance business may seem like a daunting task if you’re just starting out. Yet, the effort you put into putting your name and services out there will really determine your success. Here are five simple steps you can take to market yourself online as a freelancer.

Build a website

Having your own professional website is non-negotiable for freelancers. There are so many simple and affordable tools out there these days to help you create a website that there’s no excuse not to have one. Setting up and customizing your own WordPress site can be easily done within an afternoon.

Your website tells potential clients a little bit about you and what you can do for them. It can also showcase relevant past work and references, as well as provide a contact form for anyone interested to get in touch with you.

Use social media to connect

Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and YouTube are fantastic social platforms for getting your name out and developing your personal brand.

Wondering why you need a personal brand? The way you present yourself online and to potential clients can help you land new work faster. Secure Your Trademark provides intellectual property expertise to entrepreneurs and businesses around the country, so you don’t have to figure it all out yourself.

Start blogging

Blogging is another useful tool that showcases what you’re all about. Prove your expertise in your area by sharing your knowledge and providing a little bit of free value. It’ll strengthen your personal brand and show off your personality and style. Plus, it’s free self-advertising!

Writing blogs also helps draw potential clients to your website, particularly if you utilize SEO properly.

Share clients with other businesses

Connecting with businesses and even solo freelancers that aren’t in your specific industry or niche can help you land work. Plenty of businesses get asked to perform tasks by their clients but don’t have an employee with that particular skill set or job description. If businesses know you and the services you provide, they can recommend you when something suitable comes up.

In other words, don’t limit yourself when connecting with others online. Sticking to those only in your industry or exclusively targeting potential clients can limit your opportunities.

Ask potential clients and businesses

Know any businesses that could use your services? Send them an email or make a phone call! Even if there’s no position advertised online, you never know unless you ask.

If you can’t think of any person or business off the top of your head, do your research. Look up businesses in your area and determine whether you’d be a good fit. If you think you’d like to work with them, offer your services! Always express an interest to help, rather than ask for work.

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