How You Can Maximise Your Website Potential

These days, no business can really survive without having some online presence. People go online and search out businesses and stores through search engines. If you think about your own habits, we shop online for food and clothes, we look at reviews online and many of us even share our lives online through social media platforms like Instagram and Facebook. So how can as a business that you own or run, can you maximise your digital potential? Your website is the main door to this. It is your online store, your information station, and the place where people will go to the most to find out information and contact details. I thought I would share with you some of the ways you can maximise your website potential.

Making sure your website is responsive and Responsive

One of the first areas to consider would be to ensure that you make your website responsive. This means things like page loading times, images uploading to the browser and ensure that each click through your website is a quick and easy as it can be. The truth is, with so many websites to look at and explore, potentially even in your industry or niche, your website needs to be user friendly. Otherwise you run the risk of someone clicking off it and going elsewhere. You need to find the fine line between having the right amount of information and images without clogging up the page loading speeds.

Responsive: also, check that your website has a ‘responsive design’ – what this means is that your website works on the multitude of devices and screen configurations used by consumers. Most website templates claim to be ‘responsive’ – that is – until you start to add your own content. I advise performing a Responsive Audit on your website to make sure every page works on every type of advice, and fix urgently. By the way, Google can penalize non-Responsive websites!

Understanding your customer demographics

The other thing you need to consider when it comes to your website is the customer demographics that your website attracts. A good website and software can help you to understand the demographics of your customer such as the age of your ideal customer, the gender and even location vicinity. It can be valuable information to help with things like marketing and future advertising as you can tailor it to suit the type of customers your business is attracting.

Allowing your customer to be aware of special offers

Your website won’t be online on your customer’s browser all of the time. It won’t be there which means that they may not have all of your special offers or be aware of the latest products and services your business could be offering. This is when you could install Browser Push notifications to ensure that you can keep your customers involved and aware of all the latest from your business. Plus it can be seen as less intrusive as constant emails. It could certainly be a great way to direct people back to your website for future business.

Adding a blog for more awareness and content outlets

Many businesses have their main website. Their homepage and ecommerce store. But there are other things you can add to your website that can really help in terms of driving traffic to your main page. That would be a blog. Having a seperate blog for your business will allow you to include backlinks to your website, which in turn not only directs people back to your website, but it can also help you to become even more visible online through search engines. Your blog posts could be informative, they could provide tips and advice, or they could be articles about yoru latest products and services or what you and your business is all about. It can be less formal and can be a great way to continue your exposure in the digital world.

Linking your website to social media

Another useful thing to do with your website is to link it to your social media. This could mean that any updates you make, be that a blog post, or additional products could be sent straight through to your social media platforms. It is a great way to keep your customers in the loop, and also can be easier on you in terms of sharing information easily. Plus, if people find your website they may be more inclined to click through to your social media and follow you, giving them another way to stay in the loop with the business you have.

Ensuring all content and items are accurate and uptodate

Finally, you will want to remain a trusting business, so ensuring that you have all of the right information online is very important. Correct prices, showing things that are in stock or information about when they will be available again, even things like grammar and spelling mistakes are important. Avoiding some of the basic errors people can make online will help you and your business to remain credible.

I hope that these tips help you to maximise your business website.

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