Improving Your Transporting Business For Happier Clients And Staff

There is plenty of money to be made in the business of transporting goods, so you need to ensure that your lorries are up to scratch for what you need to transport. This can be achieved by making improvements to your vehicles, and here’s how.

The Driver

First and foremost, the lorry isn’t going to get far very fast if the driver hasn’t had the latest training on how to maneuver and drive the lorry efficiently. Providing your drivers with regular training will ensure that your products get to their destination safely and as quickly as possible.

Your vehicles also need to be comfortable to be in for long periods of time, consider upgrading the seating in your trucks to make the drive more comfortable. Ensuring that the heaters and air conditioning work within the lorry is also essential. Keeping your driver comfortable will reduce the amount of times they have to stop, therefore getting the goods delivered efficiently.

Providing customer service training for your employees will also benefit your company. If your drivers are polite and courteous, it’s likely the client will think of using you again for their transportation needs.


Leading on from the last point, ensuring that the equipment within the lorry is up to date is essential too. This could range from fridges to keep products cool, or the racks holding your goods, are safe. For example, using Donaldson filters to upgrade engine filters will guarantee the life of your equipment and vehicle itself.

If the equipment you use is very outdated, invest in newer equipment and you will soon see the quality of your goods improve: meaning more profits for your company.

Installing up to date technology in your vehicles will also help your drivers out in many ways. Having access to hands-free technology that will help them get to their destination in the fastest possible way, means that your driver will be back to take on more work much faster than before.

The Goods

Considering taking on more goods to increase revenue within your business. Even if this means buying new types of vehicles and equipment, expanding your business can only mean more profit. Make sure though, that your current clients still receive the best service that you and your team can offer.

If, for example, your company delivers frozen goods to restaurants, make sure that the quality of the products are good too. Even though if the restaurant has a problem with the goods it’s likely that they will contact their supplier, you want to make sure that the produce you’re delivering is good quality, because in time clients may switch from your service. If clients give any feedback, be sure to take it on board and implement it wherever possible.

To summarize, ensuring that your driver is happy with the journey (both with vehicle comfort and their route), keeping your staff up to date with regular training, and having your equipment’s lifespan prolonged or even renewed, will help you on your way to a super successful transportation business.

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