IT basics every entrepreneur should know about

Few businesses can survive without an internet presence and digital means. It streamlines processes, boosts efficiency, and allows a business to reach out to their target market and beyond with just a few clicks of a button. It can also enable companies to explore lucrative markets too, otherwise inaccessible without a computer. There isn’t a firm out there that won’t benefit from a heightened level of productivity and exposure.

Still, the world of IT can be highly technical, and thus intimidating for many entrepreneurs who aren’t quite tech savvy. While getting online is rather straightforward and simple, there’re even IT tricks and tips entrepreneurs should be aware of to get there. But what are they?

Consequently, here’re some IT basics every entrepreneur should know about.

Turn things off

It’s basic, but often forgotten – turning machines off at the end of the day is vital for many businesses out there. Remember, despite technology being incredible these days, it’s also costly. Between purchasing the equipment to running it all day, a small independent start up can’t really afford to take unnecessary risks here. For larger businesses, it’s also bad form to waste money in any regard.

Therefore, entrepreneurs should ensure that all machines are turned off at the end of the working day, along with all other electronics not in use like lights and heating apparatuses. Pressing the power button on a computer isn’t a gargantuan task, so if you can ensure you and any co-workers and employees press it at home time, you’ll be cutting costs significantly overtime.

Security measures

Any business operating digitally and online needs to employ sufficient security measures. After all, cyberattacks leave companies vulnerable in many ways; from stealing sensitive company information, to publicly showcasing how inefficient a firm can be. Additionally, even something as simple as a poorly chosen password is enough to leave a company wounded.

Therefore, cybersecurity is vital if you want to ward off hackers. You can install a plethora of software’s to your machine to safeguard your business against viruses and hackers, or explore preventive maintenance from SSG Insight, who expertly carry out routine checks on your assets and equipment to ensure everything is running smoothly. You can also choose a strong and unguessable password and use your common sense in divulging that information. Lastly, keeping up with GDPR regulations will ensure your business isn’t liable for legal action too around customer data.

Cloud computing

When you have those preventive security measures in check, you can then start to explore things like cloud computing. These were once strategies for companies with power and wealth, but now it’s a necessity for all and a basic necessity in your IT operations. Without cloud tech, you’re at a significant disadvantage as an entrepreneur.

In utilising cloud technologies, you can now store all your company data in a digital cyberspace. Gone are the days of rummaging around filing cabinets and asking colleagues if they’ve seen your misplaced paperwork; just click a button and swipe a screen and your companies documents can be accessed. They can be shared the same way too!


Much of the important IT basics of today revolve around improving company performance. Even something like turning machines off can save you money, which can be spent elsewhere more productively. A bevy of experts can handle the intricate knowledge of components and repairs; what you need to know as an entrepreneur is how far computers and their myriad of quirks can take you and your firm.

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