It’s not Too Late! How to ACE Your Performance Review

It’s Performance Appraisal time (or soon will be) but it’s not too late to prepare yourself to secure a top rating! My book – available to read on Kindle Unlimited – is the perfect gift to yourself for 2017.

Whether you like the Performance Review process, or not, it’s something that many of us will go through (or forced through) at the end of the year. There are ways, and means, to approach your appraisal so that you can maximize your performance rating – even now.

And it’s a tried and tested method that has worked for hundreds of the great people I have had the privilege to coach. All encapsulated in my book ‘How to ACE Your Performance Appraisal: Powerful tactics to help you achieve a top score in your Performance Review

How does it work?

It’s not rocket science, but it does take a little prep, and here’s why: one property of a great performance appraisal, I discovered, was that a well-prepared and honest account of our performance and potential take a lot of the effort (and quite frankly, guesswork) away from our appraisers and puts us in the driving seat.

This book shows you how to prepare, describe your achievements, and manage the stage of your appraisal.

Read it for free

The book is on Kindle Unlimited, so if you’re a subscriber then you can read it for free. (And if you’re not yet a Kindle Unlimited subscriber, then find out why you absolutely must become one.)

I deliberately wrote this book so that it can be read cover-to-cover in just 2-3 hours – it won’t take you long to get through it.

Once you’ve read this book, please leave a review on the Amazon website to help other people discover this book (many thanks!)

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