Key Essentials To Know When Using CBD Oil For Dogs And Cats

Did you know that CBD works for dogs too? If you have an older pet who is starting to slow down due to arthritis or joint pain, or perhaps a young one who wants to play all the time and never seems to chill out, one thing that you may want to consider for those behaviors is CBD oil.

This product has been the main focus among not just regular people, but also by pet owners. This is due to the fact that CBD oil is claimed to treat various health concerns in pets, from seizures to poor appetite.

That said, even with the buzz surrounding it and its booming industry, it is important to note that most of the research done on the use of CBD oil on animals is limited. In addition, animals cannot talk so it is hard to determine exactly what they are experiencing. Moreover, the media and marketing efforts from different companies have fueled the popularity of CBD oil for pets so the buzz may be based mostly on sales efforts.

Whatever the reason, there is no denying the presence of cbd for cats and dogs. You can find it from the vet to the dog groomer. But before you can start using CBD oil on your pet, there are a number of factors that you may need to keep in mind.


It is important to note that when it comes to the use of CBD oil in humans, there is only one approved drug called Epidiolex. This drug is used for the treatment of certain forms of epilepsy.

That said, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has not placed any restrictions on the use of CBD products on pets and animals. If this is the case, why are vets incorporating the use of CBD in the treatment of certain health issues?

This is because they can carefully evaluate the regulations set by the Animal Medicinal Drug Use Clarification Act as well as State regulations.

Note that the FDA also has not evaluated many of the CBD products that are marketed for animal and pet use, and therefore pet owners should work closely with their vets to find the best and safest products to use on their animals. View this article to know more about quality CBD oil for pets.

Limited Research

Even while the FDA advises caution in the use of CBD products for pets, as well as seeking professional advice from a veterinarian, a vet should also make it clear to the client that the research available on the use of CBD oil for dogs and cats is limited.

Since there is little to no regulation on the use of CBD oil, it is hard to determine the efficacy of its use for various health conditions, such as in the treatment of seizures or arthritis or joint pain.

Furthermore, there is no definitive information on the correct dosage for different dog breeds and sizes. For instance, what is the right CBD oil dosage for a mastiff breed compared to a smaller breed such as a Chihuahua?

Therefore, it would not be prudent to assume that a dosage that worked for one dog would also work for a cat.

Another factor to keep in mind is that there is also a huge lack of accountability in what is contained in different CBD oil products available in the market. This also poses certain risks to pets. For instance, tetrahydrocannabinol (THC)—the compound that can make you “high”—can be dangerous for pets, and this is obtained from the marijuana plant. But how can you guarantee that your CBD oil is not derived from the marijuana plant, but is instead taken from the hemp plant?

Long-Term Effects

Furthermore, since there hasn’t been sufficient time to see any long-term effects of using CBD oil, it is hard to say for certain. So far, there have been a few side effects discovered from the use of CBD oil such as dry mouth, dizziness, as well as changes in blood pressure. However, these have only been preliminary.

While CBD has shown some positive effects on various health concerns, there is simply not enough scientific data to back up any claims. That said, it would be unfair not to acknowledge that CBD oil has the potential of providing many health benefits and playing a huge role in the treatment of many serious illnesses in the future.

How To Give CBD Oil To Your Pet

To give CBD oil to your dog or cat, you will need to be creative about it. Any pet owner who has ever tried to give medication to their animal knows that it is not the easiest thing. Don’t be surprised when you give CBD oil to your dog only to have them spit it out.

The good thing is that there are now many products designed for easy consumption by our beloved pets. An example of these is tinctures. These allow you to administer CBD in drops. It is much easier for your pet to consume and it is also easy to determine the dose.

The pet doesn’t have to lick and swallow the CBD oil. By simply placing a drop under the tongue, this will quickly be absorbed into the bloodstream. Another great benefit of this is that since it enters the blood directly, it also acts quickly.

An alternative is to add a drop of CBD in their meals. If your dog loves to eat peanut butter, you can put a drop in a spoonful of peanut butter.

On the other hand, if your dog or cat suffers from muscle aches and joint pain, has arthritis, or has skin rashes, a good way to administer CBD oil is through topicals. All you need to do is apply the right dosage on the affected area and massage it in. Your dog or cat is going to love it.

Final Thoughts

There is a lot of controversy on the use of CBD oil on pets. That said, pet owners continue to claim the many health benefits associated with CBD. If you have decided to use CBD oil on your dog or cat, make sure you work closely with your vet as the industry is not sufficiently regulated.

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