Learn How To Become a Better Manager, Monthly

If you want to become a better manager, by learning from the best, then here’s your answer.

I recently discovered the print version of the wonderful Harvard Business Review. In my opinion, it’s the world’s authority on business leadership for managers.

Harvard Business Review, Discounted Subscription PriceNow published monthly, HBR delivers entrepreneurial ideas and insight to help managers (and future managers) strengthen their leadership power and grace.

Every issue shows how to use technology to get one up on your competition (and who doesn’t like that, eh?)

It also guides strategic decision making in times of change (whenever are we NOT in change – let’s be honest!) In fact it came in helpful last year when I was advising a business leader to shift towards a blended sourcing model. (A quick scan of the HBR gave me some insight on how to approach the pitch.)

What I like most of all are the profiles of innovative leaders, as it tells us more than just a bio or resume – it gives a warts ‘n’ all view of how successful leaders got to the top.

And if you’re a manager of talent, it provides useful insight and strategies for retaining and developing talent. And I found it appropriate for ALL levels of managers – not just the lofty execs.

The HBR is a must for managers and strategic leaders. Get a 12-month discounted subscription (cover price $169.50) for just $79.00 – a saving of $90.50.

Buy it Now.

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