Marketing Automation? 3 Things You Need to Get Right

Think about it. You are running multiple campaigns across various platforms – from social media to traditional media. You are involved in email marketing, surveys, website tracking, monitoring consumer behavior, and fashioning new ways to persuade customers.

On top of that, you have to deal with competitors who are fighting tooth and nail to keep you out of business. To undertake all these tasks manually will require some outsized superhuman effort.

To stay ahead of the pile, you’ll have to resort to marketing automation. It’s a no-brainer. Any organization that has its sights set on making significant inroads into the buying decision of clients would have to be big on automation at all levels, particularly marketing automation.

There is a myriad of marketing platforms out there. However, choosing the marketing tooling option that is right for you is the first step in the marketing automation process. Here are three things you should get right in ensuring your marketing automation is a resounding success.

Choose the Right Platform

As mentioned earlier, there is an untold number of marketing platforms that render a variety of services. In the long run, you should choose a marketing option that is tailor-made for you. To be able to make the right choice, you will need to clarify your goals and objectives in marketing automation.

Are you interested in email marketing? Do you want to use survey tools? What kind of scheduling do you seek to pursue? Answering questions like these will bring you a step closer to making the right decision regarding your marketing platform choice.

For instance, if you are looking for a platform that is big on scheduling, email marketing, personalized messages, etc. then you would do yourself a world of good if you went for the emfluence marketing platform – which is certain to deliver.

Also, reading ratings and reviews on top marketing blogs would go a long way to give you insight concerning the various platforms in the industry and what their track records are.

Get Your Contact List Right

One of the greatest resources every business must keep and maintain is a contact list. The list is very vital because it includes potential clients. To be able to effectively undertake marketing automation, an updated contact list is pivotal.

Begin by cleaning up and updating your contact list. Add details of contacts who are yet to be added and delete irrelevant contacts.

For instance, if a contact is duplicated, it might mean that that individual receives multiple messages which is sure to be a turn-off. Spam addresses should also be deleted.

Get Your Content Right

In today’s digital world, content is king. The revenue of your company is a direct product of the kind of content you churn out. A marketing platform is exactly what it is – a platform. The kind of content you deliver through the platform is what will determine your conversion rate.

Know your audience and tailor your messages to their needs. Your company’s voice should also not be lost in the sea of voices. Addiationally, you should have a clear messaging strategy that details how responses should be made.

Critically, your content should be innovative and fresh. It should not be the same old stale content thrown at consumers every time. Be in step with the trends of the time and deliver content that can leave your audience drooling.


Marketing automation is a panacea to many woes of a company. So, getting your marketing automation right is a pivotal thing. However, you need to understand that choosing a marketing platform is only the first step; your contact lists, as well as your content, must tick all the right boxes to ensure your company sails smoothly.

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