Marketing Ideas You Should Consider

If you are looking for a sure-fire way to gain interest in your company but don’t want to throw too much money at the problem, then you know that a smart approach to marketing is your answer. There are so many marketing techniques that are low spend and high impact. It makes sense that you are going to want to try a few out. Here is a list of some marketing ideas that don’t cost a lot and almost anyone can tackle. 


Your content is going to be keeping you interesting and relevant. You should look to publish multiple pieces of content on various platforms every day. You know your business the best, so it makes sense from a financial point of view and a budget one that you make this content yourself. If you aren’t great at writing, or your design work needs some help then do it anyway. It is better to learn in a hands-on way. If you get stuck for ideas, then go for tip lists and collections or infographics. 


You might opt to put together a flash mob, or you may just slather and pin your marketing materials all over the local area. It is often unconventional. However, you should always pay attention to the rules and regulations in the regions. Papering a poster somewhere incorrectly, or pinning your business cards in the wrong place does more harm than good. So there are two things to consider when you do this 

  1. Does it suit your business
  2. You need to get the best quality you can, so check out plan printing online

Social Media

The free space where you can experiment, test out the video, gifs, microblogging, and so much more. Ensure that all of your social media channels have the right size artwork, that the covers aren’t stretched or pulled. It is imperative that you create individual pieces of content suited to each platform. And, while you might be tempted to keep pushing you own selling links, you should work on an 80/20 basis. 80% should be interesting articles and news pieces that relate to your sector, and the other 20% should be you sharing your products. 


Day in and day out you should be looking to increase the number of people on your email list. It is your direct access to people who are interested in your product, services, or your website. Emailing marketing lists are powerful when they are used correctly. Find a tool that you like to use that will provide pop-ups and the ability to create newsletters and funnels too. The quickest way to up your emailing list is to offer a download or freebie.

Once you have their email address – with their permission, you can then guide them through an email funnel directing them to a product or service that you think they will buy. 

There are other budget marketing tactics you can use, but in this digital age use what you have at your disposal, and you will find that you don’t have to blow a budget to see significant results. 

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