Moving to the Country: What You Need to Consider

Moving to the country after years spent living in the city can be a big shock to the system. While the idea of cozy cottages, early evening strolls through woodland, and hot chocolate in front of the fireplace might sound like your idea of heaven, it can also have significant drawbacks that may have never previously occurred to you. The transition from a life full of all modern-day luxuries and 24-hour convenience stores to one in which there is just one or two other buildings within a 20-mile radius can be tough, however it also has the capacity to change your life for the better. However, here are some considerations that should be factored in before making the move.

Getting around

In the country, even the shortest of journeys can present a challenge thanks to the limited public transport services and the very often difficult terrain. While in the city you will have been able to step out of your front door and instantly hail a cab, traveling between locations in the country requires a bit more planning and preparation. One solution is to look to buy a car that is more suited to the landscape, being able to handle uneven ground and muddy conditions more competently than what you might have relied on when living in the city. Vehicles such as the Land Rover Defender 110 are ideal for tackling rigorous off-road adventures, making it easier to get around without the fear of ending up stuck should the weather decide to take a turn.


Do you love strolling to the gym every day after work? Is pizza delivery on a Sunday afternoon something you could never leave behind? Do you enjoy being able to run into the store at 11pm to grab a pint of milk and some bread? These are all considerations that must be taken into account before making the move to the country, as it is more than likely you will no longer be able to do them all so easily, if at all. Amenities in the country simply are not what you will find in the city, as smaller customer bases mean that there is less necessity to stay open late, while some facilities may require jumping in your car and driving to the nearest big town. You need to decide whether it is a sacrifice worth paying for the peace and quiet that more or less defines country living.

Internet and cell phone connection

While vast improvements in providing service to cell phones and speedy internet access in rural areas have been made in recent years, there still remains a number of ‘black spots’ in the country where signal is either weak or non-existent. This can present problems if your job requires you to be consistently on-call or connected to your emails, as reception will be considerably less reliable than what you will find in more built up areas, particularly when out and about. If you’re expected to participate in video conferences, the speed might be the issue, too. Ask around the neighborhood what speed they get in the area and check mobile data speed online.

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