My Facebook Page is Back…

I neglected my Facebook page for a while… but now it’s back.

For a while, I got bored with Facebook. To be blunt – I was hacked off with the constant stream of ads and conspiracy-theorist crap that I was bombarded with. So I switched off. Know what I mean?

But now I’m back. FB seems to have resolved itself, or at least that’s how I see it. I am seeing a lot more interesting video content – real stuff that is fun to watch.

So I’d love to see you back on my Facebook page – with new content and a fresher look. Come and join me!

Already, I have over 150 Page Likes – so whoever you are – Thank You!

[button size=”e.g. small, medium, big” link=”″ target=”_blank”]See my NEW Facebook Page[/button]

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