
4 Unique Challenges Facing Online Retailers

As an online retailer, you’re already in a unique situation. Without a physical presence in the form of a brick and mortar location, it can be difficult to effectively reach customers and encourage new leads to become paying customers. With ever-changing POS systems, shipping methods, and marketing techniques, online businesses are forever changing how they

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5 Innovations Revolutionizing the Construction Jobsite

Technology is the crux of almost every industry around us. And while its impact on the construction sector was sluggish, it has now caught a steady pace. Over the last few years, there have been some significant innovations that genuinely revolutionized the construction sector.Whether it is mechanization, construction aided design like a Construction Camera or the

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Injured After A Hit and Run: What to do Next?

The American Automobile Association (AAA) has noted an alarming increase in hit-and-runs, with hit-and-run crashes and fatalities at an all-time-high. In 2015, there were 737,100 hit-and-runs, 138,500 of which resulted in injuries and 1,819 resulted in fatalities. That said, hit-and-runs are quite common, which is why it’s best to come prepared and know what to

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office supplies

A List of Office Supplies Your Small Startup Business Must Have

With more and more companies going paperless these days, office supplies and printing paper seem outdated. Yet, in the era of everything digital, companies still buy them and use them every day.Office supplies are a necessity, but if you’re not careful, they can affect your budget and productivity. For example, if you do most of

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Why Is There So Much Demand For Accountants In Today’s Job Market? [Infographic]

Data from the US Bureau of Labor Statistics suggests that accounting jobs will grow by more than 10 percent by 2026, compared to a figure of just seven percent for all posts. The average salary of an enrolled agent is high, and set to grow further. Hold on a second: wasn’t technology supposed to make

Why Is There So Much Demand For Accountants In Today’s Job Market? [Infographic] Read More »

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The Financial Benefits Of Creating Sustainable Business Models

The world needs help. Every year, thousands of acres of rainforest are chopped down, more plastic gets dumped into the ocean, and several species cease to exist. Our precious biosphere is in danger. But this isn’t purely a concern for conservationists: it’s an issue for business too. Many major companies like Apple and Google have committed

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