Are Career Goals A Waste Of Time?

Two years ago, this question may have seemed ridiculous to you. In a growing economy, opportunity is in abundance and the challenge we had back then didn’t concern make-or-break, but which of the golden opportunities were the shiniest. Now the whole economic environment has changed. The economy is turbulent and unpredictable. So is it worth

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Freelancers: Get Client Wow-Factor By Managing Expectations

Want to know a secret of how to make your clients say Wow!?Is it about bells and whistles?Do you do it by providing comb-bound booklets?Or is it about *really cool* slide masters when you do a powerpoint presentation?

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Lead Well and Prosper!

I’ve written before that if management was a true science, then there wouldn’t be so many books on the subject. Do a search on Amazon for management and you’ll see thousands of books on the subject. How do you pick books when there are so many to choose from?Hopefully, I’ll give you a start. I’ve

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Freelancers: How To Market Yourself in a Recession

This is the question many freelancers are asking at this time. We market for a simple reason. If our customers (existing and potential) don’t know we exist, what we do, and how we can benefit them, how will we get more work?Savvy freelancers like you know that marketing is a core function of your business.

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Canned Project? 3 Big Reasons Why Your Project Has Been Cancelled

If the project you were busy working on has just been shelved then you might be feeling puzzled, frustrated or even angry. Sometimes, it doesn’t seem logical or even fair. It’s likely that your project has suffered the consequences of one of these 3 reasons:The excess of boom-times causes business leaders, in recession, to shelve

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How to Use Twitter in Your Job Search

It’s become the de facto means for people to tell each other what they’re having for lunch, or which movie they’re about to see. Not just that – it’s become a hotbed of activity for business and commercial purposes, favored by Internet Marketers, Bloggers and product developers to spread the word about their vittles.A growing

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