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My new eBook ‘The Essence of IT Leadership (Volume 1)’ will be launched next week, which gives readers insights into the essential ingredients of building and leading IT teams. It’s written of the back of many years of experience and lessons learned from myself and a number of colleagues and friends in the industry, worldwide. […]

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Were Businesses Ready for Web2.0?

My Grandmother might not know it, but Web2.0 has created a social revolution. It has changed the way people interact, network, learn and organize forever more. But were businesses ready for it?I recently contributed to the ‘ CIO Jury ‘ who asked whether organizations were ready for the Facebook generation , and it seems that

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Punch Above Your Weight! Drop Some Business Steroids – Get Your CIO Career Plan

CIOs don’t become c-level through luck – so why put your career to chance? have just run this story to highlight the important of having a career plan. CIOs don’t let their career become a game of wait-and-see, but they actively plan for it. But many people don’t do this, but instead meander their way

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Projects Are About People, Not Technology (According To Elizabeth Harrin)

In a recent post on her blog, Elizabeth Harrin shares with us some research from Forrester which (in her words) reminds us that projects are about people, not technology. Elizabeth Harrin is a blogger (a girl’s guide to project management) who won the ComputerWeekly 2008 IT Blog Awards in the Project Management category. Her post

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How To Successfully Articulate the Meaning of Technology

One of the most difficult tasks as a Technical Professional is helping non-technical people to understand technical subjects. Do you struggle to get your point across sometimes? Probably, Yes. Is in an art form? Yes I think it is. So is there an approach which can help us? Yes, and I will share it with

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Credit Crunch: Two Great Tips On Preparing For The Elbow

No amount of preparation is too much preparation if your short-term employment prospects look bleak – there’s a big buzz on the ‘doom ahead’ in the blogosphere and here is a link to a post on Mark McClure’s website I thought I’d share. This post can be used as a sort of ‘blog carnival’ for

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Five FREE Ways to Stand Out From Other IT Salespeople

IT Sales is a tough job. IT buyers don’t suffer fools gladly, and they aren’t tricked by the usual methods employed by door-to-door vacuum cleaner salespeople. IT Sales has developed into an artform, so it’s vital you stand out from your bustling crowd. Here are five FREE ways to do this: Call your prospects at

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Don’t Underestimate the Dicey Art of Escalation!

A general dictionary defines escalation in many ways like, "Increase in intensity, magnitude, bypassing the immediate person, and so on." Applied to workplaces escalation is usually a formal process in many IT and non-IT projects. For example, if certain employees are unable or unwilling to do a certain activity they are accountable for, then it

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How To Respond To The Current Financial Markets Crisis

Right now, every business will be looking at its finances. With volatility in financial markets, it’s time to take another look at budgets and expenditure to insulate your business from the downturn. What should IT leaders do? Cut, cut some more, but don’t cut deep.If you control budget and expense it’s likely you’re already involved

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How To Use Your Connections to Increase Your Productivity and Overall Success

Being a freelance web developer, I rely very heavily on my personal and business connections and relationships, and odds are that you do too. Having a lot of connections and/or references and friends “in the business” can be extremely helpful to anyone, but it’s really what and how you interact with these people that makes

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The Most Inspiring Book I Have Read! Peter Drucker’s ‘The Effective Executive’

I am making a bold claim: this book will inspire and surprise you. Originally published in 1966, the book remains essentially the same amazing content, although many examples shared by Drucker are updated.Peter Ferdinand Drucker (1909-2005) was a prolific writer and management consultant who today is considered to be the father of ‘modern management’. He

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Get This! The Author of Da Vinci Code Clearly Doesn’t Understand Succession Planning

If you have read any of Dan Brown’s books, you’ll know he writes ripping yarns of action and suspense. He is the master of the edge of the seat. His books have become very popular and has seen the Da Vinci Code told as a blockbusting movie starring Tom ‘Forrest Gump’ Hanks , and Angels

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