How to Piss Off IT Professionals: Misalignment of Objectives

One of my more popular articles recently has been ‘12 Behaviors Most Disliked by IT Professionals ‘ in which I shared the 12 things IT professionals hated the most about their leaders. In this article, I will be addressing one of these – when the objectives of different leaders are misaligned.

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UPDATE: How To Ask Questions to get Great Results

Only last week I wrote that asking questions is one of the most powerful leadership tools there is. Since then I’ve connected with an aspiring IT Manager and Author, Thejendra BS. Thejendra is based out of Bangalore, India. Thejendra wrote a great article that compliments my recent post – so I am sharing it with you.“HOW TO ASK

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Money Isn’t Everything, According to IT Professionals (who responded)

I’ve just read an excellent article, written by Ann All, on the IT Business Edge website that discusses the working environment that IT professionals prefer to work in.What I like about it is Ann’s honest view about the conclusion that IT people like to work in a positive, challenging environment. I’m pleased that IT people see

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8 Easy Tips on How To Create a Professional Image as a Freelance Developer

I have been a developer myself, and I know many developers. The nature of these beasts, in general terms, tends to be outside of the ‘corporate norm’, as quite frankly, development requires abnormal skills (I mean that in the nice way!) However, customers and colleagues of developers who fit in with the norm can sometimes

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5 Reasons Why Lightworkers (in IT) are like Luke Skywalker

I’ve often written about Lightworkers and Darkworkers. There are similarities between the boy-hero and Lightworkers I thought might be fun. He trusted his instinct and acted upon it:Luke Skywalker in Star Wars: A New Hope switched off his targetting computer and trusts his instinct when firing that bomb thing into the Death Star. What a guy. Lightworkers

5 Reasons Why Lightworkers (in IT) are like Luke Skywalker Read More »

SOA and Integration – Buyer (Be/A)ware…?

I’d like to point you to a brief but useful article by Loraine Lawson I found on ITBusinessEdge which discusses cost saving on integration projects. Loraine gives three tips for ensuring your integration project delivers value and isn’t pumped up with hype. Vendors are aggressive in their sales tactics as the prize is high, and particularly

SOA and Integration – Buyer (Be/A)ware…? Read More »

Update: How To Find a Much Better IT Job, Even in Recession

Following my recent article, I’ve found an excellent article on the HBS Working Knowledge website which discusses the tendencies of women who are finding it easier to move jobs and maintain their star profile.This article shares the results of research that shows that females are generally more apt at switching jobs and preserving their ‘shine’, when compared

Update: How To Find a Much Better IT Job, Even in Recession Read More »

Do You Know If You Live Your Organization’s Values?

Good leaders know what they value and what their values are, and they recognize the importance of ethical behavior. The great leaders consistently and recognizably exhibit their values and ethics in their leadership style and actions. But what about the values that your organization declares it honors in corporate brochures, office posters and standard desktop

Do You Know If You Live Your Organization’s Values? Read More »

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