Special Report: Why ‘Green’ and Other Niche Causes are Great Career Builders

I’ve just released a Special Report on the subject of Why ‘Green’ and Other Niche Causes are Great Career Builders . If you’re an avid reader of this website you’ll know that I’ve discussed the opportunities that supporting niche causes, and being seen to do so, is a powerful means of raising your profile and

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As A Leader, Your Personality Is Everything (Part Two)

Last week I began discussing the subject of Personality , and why it is important to IT leaders. Your personality is your personal brand and it’s how people, particularly your followers, will expect you to behave. Your behaviors are the root of your leadership style, and consistent behavior is what makes that style predictable by

As A Leader, Your Personality Is Everything (Part Two) Read More »

Are Facebook, Myspace and LinkedIn Good For Your Reputation?

Social Networking has become the main game in town for upwardly mobile professionals. It’s standard to find most of your colleagues on LinkedIn, Facebook or Myspace and involve yourself in a social community – groups and activities you share an interest in. Let’s face it, they save you so much time and energy in tracking

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Do You Consider Business Readiness as an Afterthought?

You wouldn’t talk to someone who isn’t paying attention. Nor would you make a movie if you didn’t know who would watch it. So why do projects often deliver to a Business who isn’t ready to receive?Business Readiness is a loose term which can mean the Business’s ability to take on what a project delivers.

Do You Consider Business Readiness as an Afterthought? Read More »

The Winning Reader Entry of the Free Tools Contest Is…

A couple of weeks back I shared with you 35 free tools for IT, developers and business, and asked readers what free tools you like and want to share. Since then I’ve been testing out the entries and I’ve made my choice. The winning reader entry is: Maria, who writes for her blog ‘Never the

The Winning Reader Entry of the Free Tools Contest Is… Read More »

Forrester Research: High-Impact Innovation for IT Leaders

I was lucky enough to go to the Forrester Research IT Forum this summer which I thoroughly enjoyed as it crystallized a lot of my thinking and shone a torch on some important issues. My immediate reaction was to look at the Industrialization of IT , and it’s impact on the workers within the industry.I’ve

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How To Search The Invisible Job Market

The Best jobs aren’t advertised in the newspaper or on the web. Much like real estate, the best of the bunch are snapped up before they ever hit advertisements. If you scour job ad sites or the back pages of a paper, then you’re really looking at the jobs the top people don’t want. You’re

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The SimonStapleton.com Cancer Charity Fundraiser

Some of the worst-hit organizations in an economic downturn are Charities. According to analysis performed by consulting group nfpSynergy, there is a direct correlation between economic output of a country (known as Gross Domestic Product, or GDP) and charity income. So until the end of this month November I am going to help Cancer Research

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Ten Web-Based Project Management Tools

Most organizations use Microsoft Project as a project management tool. Microsoft have enjoyed many years of domination of the corporate project management tool market. Competitors like Clarity have challenged Microsoft, but MS Project remains dominant. And with recent enhancements its users can web-enable it on their intranet. Then add on Microsoft SharePoint and you have

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8 Reasons Why Managing Techies Is Like Driving A Car

I was in a deep-thought moment and struck upon this analogy!Managing Techies is like driving a car because…You have to steer it, but you shouldn’t try to turn the wheels yourself – techies need direction and guidance, but really don’t want you to do their job for them, so don’t attempt it. A common mistake

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Your Career Checklist During The Global Financial Crisis

Are you in need of a confidence boost, or a reassessment of your career path? The Global Financial Crisis is creating turmoil in many industries (e.g. retail, financial services, manufacturing, construction) so we all need to keep our finger on the pulse of employment, the job market and career opportunities.There are a number of positive

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FREE Oracle White Paper: How To Automate Audit Collection and Analysis

You might be interested in looking at this FREE White Paper from Oracle on this subject. Their blurb says: Strengthening internal controls for regulations, enforcing industry best practices, and guarding against insider threats are just a few of the challenges facing organizations in today’s global economy. While problems such as the insider threat are certainly

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free lunch

35 FREE Tools for IT/Developers And Business

The Open Source movement continues strongly, and with it comes a greater number of more powerful free tools and applications. After a long week of scouring the web for the best free programs, I’ve compiles a list below where you will find a great selection of tools and applications for those in the IT/Development and

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