Can You Afford the Cloud?

Cloud Computing, where the architecture of your technology estate is based upon the integration of third-party technologies and services, is gaining momentum in the industry. It’s a natural extension of outsourcing where an organization uses technology within it’s own physical boundary (i.e. its data-center) but the technology is owned and operated by the vendor. The

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Not Green IT again!

I’ve been fishing around the IT community for a couple of months to understand the general attitude towards ‘green IT’. I received quite a mixed bag of results so I thought I’d share them with you.Firstly some stats. I’ve spoken with 98 people, mostly from IT ops, specifically about the issue:Only 12 of these people

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Is the Road to Hell is Pathed With a Leaders Good Intentions?

A leader’s word is their bond. That’s what their followers expect, but when that commitment continually fails, it’s a slippery slope.Has your boss ever agreed to deliver something, and then let you down? Annoying isn’t it? A position of leadership is a privilege and a responsibility, and that responsibility is to create the environment for

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Enabling Action-Orientation with Collaborative Technologies

Web2.0 and collaborative technologies promise a new world of integrated thought leadership. However they are not without their flaws. There are three key weaknesses in the typical use of collaborative technologies. The weaknesses are in the way decisions are made that lead to action. Decisions are made by committees. The larger the group of contributors

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Web 2.0 Enabled Followership: Implications

A Leader isn’t a Leader without Followers. This is convention, but do you know what type of Follower you are, and what type of Followers do you have as a Leader?Take a look at this HBS Working Knowledge article which discusses the various categories of Follower – although it’s important to understand that a Follower’s

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Why IT Infrastructure really is the ‘Dial-Tone’ of Business Operations

Your company’s gateway to the Internet is replacing your Shop Window and your Telephone Switchboard. Outage can be measured in lost dollars and reputation.If you pick up the phone to make a call and don’t here the dial-tone, what do you do? You might swear and bang the receiver repeatedly in disgust. If you go to a retail outlet and

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What Soft Skills Training and Development do Freelancers need?

The big benefits of being freelance is that you generally decide what work you take on, and when you take it on, and there are considerable financial benefits in the short term. IT freelancing is lucrative, compared with permanent positions: income can be three times or more! The trouble with freelancing though is that reaping

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10 Top Tips That Will Improve Morale in the IT Ops department

Is your IT Ops team productive and always on top of their game? No? Then maybe it’s their morale that needs a boost. There are some simple, low-cost and very effective things that can be done to improve this, and you’ll see that morale and productivity is boosted: Invest in information boards:Using the traditional dot-matrix

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URGENT: Now Is The Time To Move Jobs If You Think You Are S**t Hot!

We’re in recession – it’s a golden opportunity! If you are master in your craft industry then don’t wait for the recession to end, now is the time to move. This advice might seem counter-intuitive because in hard times it’s natural to want to feel secure in your organization, and certainly take advantage of any severance

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