Search Results for: business

Do Your Bosses Think You Web-Two-O Too Much?

Is Web2.0 a drain on your productivity? The explosive use of LinkedIn, Facebook and MySpace has urged some companies to reevaluate their electronic-use policies. Some organizations have banned social-networking tools completely over concerns about a drop in productivity as well as data-security. Has this happened in your workplace?

Do Your Bosses Think You Web-Two-O Too Much? Read More »


Here’s How To Successfully Work With People Long Distance

Creating the right impression with a customer is something all freelancers worry about, especially if business is done long-distance. So much information is lost when we transact over the ether, which makes our communication skills that much more important and (even more nowadays) which tools we use to communicate with.

Here’s How To Successfully Work With People Long Distance Read More »

Are Career Goals A Waste Of Time?

Two years ago, this question may have seemed ridiculous to you. In a growing economy, opportunity is in abundance and the challenge we had back then didn’t concern make-or-break, but which of the golden opportunities were the shiniest. Now the whole economic environment has changed. The economy is turbulent and unpredictable. So is it worth

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