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10 Performance Review Affirmations

A Performance Review/Appraisal is an important element of your career and personal development. The thing is, many employees don’t really know why they have them, and see them as an opportunity to be scolded or criticized. This isn’t their purpose!Your Performance Review is a golden opportunity to learn more about your performance and develop new

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How To Cope With A Headcount Freeze

The Global Financial Crisis continues, and Managers are being asked to do more with the same, or less. The inevitable ‘Headcount Freeze’ has been mandated in many organizations putting pressure on managers to maximize the return on investment. Holy Cow it’s getting tough! There are a number of interventions that will ease the pressure. And

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10 Big Reasons Why Freelancers Must Use Elance and Rentacoder (or Other Freelance Marketplaces)

Freelance Marketplaces, like Elance and Rentacoder, have grown very popular with freelancers and their clients because they are a ‘platform solution’ to many freelancer business problems. For a small(ish) fee, freelancers enjoy many benefits. What are they, and why use these platforms?You might already be familiar with these platforms, and use them regularly. If that isn’t

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What is the Best Way to Prepare for an Interview? (Part Two)

In Part One of this series we took a look at interview preparation by considering our confidence and nervousness before the event. This time we’re considering the importance of know what we want to get from an interview and we’ll also be looking at how we might dress for an interview.It’s fair to say that

What is the Best Way to Prepare for an Interview? (Part Two) Read More »

As a Freelancer, You’re At A Disadvantage

As a freelancer, you are likely to be in a disadvantaged position as far as personal development and feedback goes. Why? Well permanent employees, as a rule, are nurtured by their employers. You don’t receive the benefit of the development opportunities presented to permies, unless you create them yourself, and out of your own pocket.

As a Freelancer, You’re At A Disadvantage Read More »

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