Search Results for: business

Is the Road to Hell is Pathed With a Leaders Good Intentions?

A leader’s word is their bond. That’s what their followers expect, but when that commitment continually fails, it’s a slippery slope.Has your boss ever agreed to deliver something, and then let you down? Annoying isn’t it? A position of leadership is a privilege and a responsibility, and that responsibility is to create the environment for […]

Is the Road to Hell is Pathed With a Leaders Good Intentions? Read More »

10 Top Tips That Will Improve Morale in the IT Ops department

Is your IT Ops team productive and always on top of their game? No? Then maybe it’s their morale that needs a boost. There are some simple, low-cost and very effective things that can be done to improve this, and you’ll see that morale and productivity is boosted: Invest in information boards:Using the traditional dot-matrix

10 Top Tips That Will Improve Morale in the IT Ops department Read More »

URGENT: Now Is The Time To Move Jobs If You Think You Are S**t Hot!

We’re in recession – it’s a golden opportunity! If you are master in your craft industry then don’t wait for the recession to end, now is the time to move. This advice might seem counter-intuitive because in hard times it’s natural to want to feel secure in your organization, and certainly take advantage of any severance

URGENT: Now Is The Time To Move Jobs If You Think You Are S**t Hot! Read More »

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