Search Results for: small busines

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School Is In Session For Small Business Comeback Strategies

We all know the horrible year we’ve been put through. It’s not over yet, there’s still quite a fair bit of time to go before the new challenge begins in January. So since we have time, let’s not give up and try to manage our expectations, in accordance with our strategies. Small businesses especially, have […]

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5 Best Small Business Ideas That You Can Start During COVID-19

The coronavirus pandemic has hit us hard. People are losing jobs and struggling all over the world. However, you can also see this as an opportunity to start doing what you’ve always dreamt of. Be your own boss. Start a small business from your home. While on one hand, traditional in-person stores are closing, but

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4 Fleet Management Tips Every Small Business Needs to Know

There are a million and one reasons why a business might want to invest in a fleet of vehicles. And make no mistake, a fleet of vehicles definitely is an investment. The key to keeping your costs as low as possible and maximising your returns is to manage your fleet efficiently. Here’s what you need

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How to Resolve Common Sources of Dispute In Small Businesses

When left unresolved, conflict can lead to disaster for small businesses.The more issues arise in your company, the more likely you are to struggle with symptoms of significant workplace stress, absenteeism, and even “toxic workplace culture.”Unnecessary disputes in your company might mean that your managers spend more time-solving problems than doing crucial work to grow

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4 Marketing Strategies For Small Business Growth

It is one thing starting a company and quite another thing growing a company. Most people start new companies with a lot of passion, but soon lose steam when they begin struggling to keep their business going. And one of the reasons for this has to do with poor or non-existent marketing strategies for growing

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Why Every Small Business Owner Needs the Assistance of a Business Attorney

Among everything you already have to worry about as a business owner, the thought of whether or not you need a business attorney is just another factor to add to your plate of responsibilities. Ultimately, this is something you don’t necessarily want to think about, but it’s very important to consider. Business attorneys aren’t just

Why Every Small Business Owner Needs the Assistance of a Business Attorney Read More »

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4 Functions Small Businesses Should Consider Outsourcing

Small businesses and start-ups work diligently to cover all bases and deliver the best product or service that they can. Although owners may want to have complete control over all business functions, sometimes it can be to the detriment of the company. When limited staff are spread too thin to take care of tasks, some areas

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Top Small Business Ideas in 2020

This has been a strange year in the world of business. Many companies have had to make radical changes in the way they do just about everything. Some of these have had a positive effect on the market and brought about new and exciting trends. This means there will be plenty of opportunities for people

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Affordable Ways to Keep Your Clients Coming Back as a Small Business

Running a small business can be challenging for a lot of reasons, but one of the first big hurdles to overcome is the ability to hold onto your clients in order to encourage repeat business. For most small businesses, holding on to customers tends to be one of the biggest priorities, but it’s also one

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