Search Results for: small busines

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Shy Businesses Won’t Prevail: Why It’s Important to Get Your Name out There

If you’ve recently started up a business or you’ve taken the reins of a small company, then there’s one important thing that you need to keep in mind: a shy business isn’t going to be successful. A business that doesn’t actively promote its products or try to show off their wares isn’t going to be

Shy Businesses Won’t Prevail: Why It’s Important to Get Your Name out There Read More »

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Making A Business You’ve Purchased Look A Part Of Your Flock

Squashing the competition can be a harsh term to use in business, but it’s a form of reality for some. Sometimes the only way to beat your closest rival in business is to buy them out. It happens all the times, from large corporations engulfing one another to small and medium-sized businesses purchasing failing companies.

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